• COVID-19 anxiety, psychological well-being and preventive behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean: relationships and explanatory model 

    Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Tomás, José M.; Valencia, Pablo D.; Ventura-León, José; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; White, Michael; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Gallegos, Miguel; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Palacios, Diego Alejandro; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Samaniego‑Pinho, Antonio; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Buschiazzo Figares, Andrés; Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena; Corrales‑Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Calderón, Raymundo; Pinto Tapia, Bismarck; Franco Ferrari, Ilka; Flores-Mendoza, Carmen; Saroli-Araníbar, Daniela; Vivanco-Vidal, Andrea (2024)
    This study assesses the relationship between COVID-19 anxiety and subjective well-being in terms of the mediating role of COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Additionally, the contribution of sociodemographic factors (sex and ...

  • Cross-cultural invariance of the spanish version of the COVID-19 assessment scorecard to measure the perception of government actions against COVID-19 in Latin America 

    Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Valencia, Pablo D.; Ventura-León, José; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; Yupanqui-Lorenzo, Daniel E.; Paredes-Angeles, Rubí; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Gallegos, Miguel; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Palacios, Diego Alejandro; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Samaniego‑Pinho, Antonio; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Buschiazzo Figares, Andrés; Puerta‑Cortés, Diana Ximena; Corrales‑Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Calderón, Raymundo; Arias Gallegos, Walter L.; Petzold, Olimpia; Camargo, Andrés; Torales, Julio; Monge Blanco, J. Arkangel; González, Pedronel; Smith-Castro, Vanessa; Matute Rivera, Wendy Yamilet; Ferrufino-Borja, Daniela; Ceballos-Vásquez, Paula; Muñoz-del-Carpio-Toia, Agueda; Palacios, Jorge; Burgos-Videla, Carmen; Florez León, Ana María Eduviges; Vergara, Ibeth; Vega, Diego; Barria-Asenjo, Nicol; Schulmeyer, Marion K.; Urrutia Rios, Hassell Tatiana; Lira Lira, Arelly Esther (2023)
  • Cross-cultural measurement invariance of the purpose in life test - Short form (PIL-SF) in seven Latin American countries 

    Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Cervigni, Mauricio; Gallegos, Miguel; Martino, Pablo; Calandra, Manuel; Rey Anacona, César A.; López-Calle, Claudio; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Chacón-Andrade, Edgardo René; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Del Carpio Ovando, Perla Shiomara; Quintero Hernández, Yazmín Alejandra; Robles, Erika; Panza Lombardo, Macerlo; Gamarra Recalde, Olivia; Buschiazzo Figares, Andrés; White, Michael; Burgos-Videla, Carmen; Carbajal-León, Carlos (2023)
    The aim was to test the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the PIL-SF in a sample of people from seven Latin American countries. Additionally, the characteristics of the PIL-SF items were evaluated and to assess the ...

  • Cross-national measurement invariance of the purpose in life test in seven latin american countries 

    Vilca, Lindsey W.; Caycho, Tomás; Cervigni, Mauricio; Gallegos, Miguel; Martino, Pablo; Calandra, Manuel; Rey Anacona, César A.; López-Calle, Claudio; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Chacón-Andrade, Edgardo Rene; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Del Carpio Ovando, Perla Shiomara; Quintero Hernández, Yazmín Alejandra; Robles, Erika; Panza Lombardo, Macerlo; Gamarra Recalde, Olivia; Buschiazzo Figares, Andrés; White, Michael; Burgos-Videla, Carmen (2022)
    The Purpose in Life Test (PIL) is a measure of purpose in life widely used in many cultures and countries; however, cross-cultural assessments are scarce. The present study aimed to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement ...

  • Is the meaning of subjective well-being similar in Latin American countries? a cross-cultural measurement invariance study of the WHO-5 well-being index during the COVID-19 pandemic 

    Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Valencia, Pablo D.; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; White, Michael; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Gallegos, Miguel; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Palacios, Diego Alejandro; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Samaniego‑Pinho, Antonio; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Buschiazzo Figares, Andrés; Puerta‑Cortés, Diana Ximena; Corrales‑Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Calderón, Raymundo; Ferrari, Ilka Franco; Flores-Mendoza, Carmen (2023)
    Background There is an urgent need to assess changes in well-being on a multinational scale during the COVID-19 pandemic, thus culturally valid scales must be available. Methods With this in mind, this study examined the ...

  • Network analysis of the relationships between conspiracy beliefs towards COVID-19 vaccine and symptoms of fear of COVID-19 in a sample of latin american countries 

    Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Ventura-León, José; Valencia, Pablo D.; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Gallegos, Miguel; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Palacios, Diego Alejandro; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Samaniego‑Pinho, Antonio; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Buschiazzo Figares, Andrés; Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena; Corrales‑Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Calderón, Raymundo; Pinto Tapia, Bismarck; Arias Gallegos, Walter L.; Petzold, Olimpia (2024)
    The present study examined how conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines specifically relate to symptoms of fear of COVID-19 in a sample of four South American countries. A total of 1785 people from Bolivia, Colombia, ...

  • Test of Invariance of the Anomie brief scale with the alignment method in 12 Latin American countries 

    Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Vilca, Lindsey W.; Ventura-León, José; Carbajal-León, Carlos; Valencia, Pablo D.; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Delgado-Campusano, Mariel; Yupanqui-Lorenzo, Daniel E.; Paredes-Angeles, Rubí; Rojas-Jara, Claudio; Gallegos, Miguel; Cervigni, Mauricio; Martino, Pablo; Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto; Palacios, Diego Alejandro; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; Samaniego‑Pinho, Antonio; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías; Buschiazzo Figares, Andrés; Puerta‑Cortés, Diana Ximena; Corrales‑Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Calderón, Raymundo; Arias Gallegos, Walter L.; Petzold, Olimpia; Camargo, Andrés; Torales, Julio; Monge Blanco, J. Arkangel; González, Pedronel; Smith-Castro, Vanessa; Matute Rivera, Wendy Yamilet; Ferrufino-Borja, Daniela; Ceballos-Vásquez, Paula; Muñoz-del-Carpio-Toia, Agueda; Palacios, Jorge; Burgos-Videla, Carmen; Florez León, Ana María Eduviges; Vergara, Ibeth; Vega, Diego; Shulmeyer, Marion K. (2023)
    The Social Anomie Brief Scale (SAS10) is a self-report measure of social anomie against new social standards implemented during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the invariance ...