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Mostrando publicaciones 1-20 de 3575
11-Deoxycorticosterone (DOC)’s action on the gill osmoregulation of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
(2024)In aquaculture, stress can negatively affect fish growth. For years, the cortisol hormone has been thought to play both glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid functions. Nevertheless, recent research has suggested that ...
1st ASCS: expanding the ISCB student council symposia to Asia
(2023)Since 2004, the ISCB Student Council (ISCB-SC) has successfully organized Student Council Symposia across several continents, including North America, Latin America, Europe, and Africa, as well as local events led by more ...
25 años de Psykhe: Un análisis bibliométrico
(2017)El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico de Psykhe (1992-2016), considerando algunos elementos históricos que contextualizan su trayectoria, para describir sus principales características y ...
25 años de Suma Psicológica. Un análisis bibliométrico
(2018)El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico de la revista Suma Psicológica, con la finalidad de conocer la evolución de la revista y su producción científica. En el trabajo se describen elementos ...
2D-DFA as a tool for non-destructive characterisation of copper surface exposed to substitute ocean water
(2022)Two-dimensional detrended fluctuation (2D-DFA) analysis has been carried out to correlate the Hurst index surface with corresponding irregularities of the cooper surface, because of the localised corrosion attacks after ...
2D/3D- C3N4/CeO2 S-scheme heterojunctions with enhanced photocatalytic performance
(2022)A facile, green and easily scalable method has been developed to facilitate the construction of 2D-C3N4/3D-CeO2 heterojunction materials. It uses only cheap urea and ceria in a thermal spreading technique that allows the ...
2nd international congress on high performance sports: a report on martial arts and combat sports
(2018)Introduction. Martial arts and combat sports are practiced by thousands of people around the world and increasingly discussed in scientific publications. Material and Methods. We describe an observational case study by ...
30 años de investigación en maltrato infantil: Un análisis bibliométrico (1991-2020)
(2023)Introducción: el maltrato infantil es un problema global que afecta el desarrollo de los niños y las niñas, pudiendo tener consecuencias a lo largo de su vida. A pesar de la necesidad de investigar para erradicar este ...
3D multiple sound source localization by proposed cuboids nested microphone array in combination with adaptive wavelet-based subband GEVD
(2020)Sound source localization is one of the applicable areas in speech signal processing. The main challenge appears when the aim is a simultaneous multiple sound source localization from overlapped speech signals with an ...
45 Years of the mini-mental state examination (MMSE): a perspective from ibero-america
(2022)El Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) fue creado por Marshal Folstein et al. en 1975 como un instrumento para la evaluación breve (5-10 minutos) del estado mental de pacientes hospitalizados. Se lo considera la prueba ...
4DGVF: Segmentation variationnelle pour images 3D multicomposantes
(2014)In this paper, we generalize the gradient vector flow field to vector-valued images. We base our method on the definition of a structure tensor that is calculated according to a blind estimation of contrast in the different ...
659 Blocking cytokine IL-1 with anakinra for the prevention of cytokine release syndrome in COVID-19
(2020)Background: The novel coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19 became a pandemic in early 2020, causing significant human suffering and economic woes globally. The pathophysiology of acute respiratory failure may be ...
A beta partial least squares regression model: Diagnostics and application to mining industry data
(2018)We propose a methodology based on partial least squares (PLS) regression models using the beta distribution, which is useful for describing data measured between zero and one. The beta PLS model parameters are estimated ...
A breakthrough on cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation: nobel prize in physiology or medicine 2018
(2020)James P. Allison from the MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, and Tasuku Honjo from Kyoto university were jointly awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine 2018. Their therapeutic research is ...
A brief tutorial on quadratic stability of linear parameter-varying model for biomathematical systems
(2019)Many biological phenomena are investigated using models formulated in terms on nonlinear differential equations and, in general, the global stability is assured point-to-point by Lyapunov's theory. However, many times the ...
A Cardy-like formula for rotating black holes with planar horizon
(2017)We show that the semiclassical entropy of D−dimensional rotating (an)isotropic black holes with planar horizon can be successfully computed according to a Cardy-like formula. This formula does not refer to any central ...
A centronuclear myopathy-causing mutation in dynamin-2 disrupts neuronal morphology and excitatory synaptic transmission in a murine model of the disease
(2023)Aims Dynamin-2 is a large GTPase, a member of the dynamin superfamily that regulates membrane remodelling and cytoskeleton dynamics. Mutations in the dynamin-2 gene (DNM2) cause autosomal dominant centronuclear myopathy ...
A Cobb–Douglas type model with stochastic restrictions: Formulation, local influence diagnostics and data analytics in economics
(2019)We propose a methodology for modelling and influence diagnostics in a Cobb–Douglas type setting. This methodology is useful for describing case-studies from economics. We consider stochastic restrictions for the model based ...