Crystal structure and magnetic properties of titanium-based CuTi2 xMxS4 and CuCr2 xTixSe4 chalcospinels

Barahona-Huenchumil, Patricia
Galdámez, Antonio
López-Vergara, Fernanda
Manríquez, Victor
Peña, Octavio
CuTi2 xMxS4 (M¼Fe, Mn, Co; x¼0.3, 0.5) and CuCr2 xTixSe4 (x¼0.3, 0.5, 0.7) chalcospinels were synthesized by conventional solid-state reactions. Their crystal structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. All of the phases crystallized in cubic spinel-type structures (space group, Fd3m). For all of the chalcospinel compounds, the edge-length distortion parameter (ELD) indicated that the most distorted polyhedron was Q[(Ti,M)3Cu], which displayed an 8% distortion from an ideal tetrahedron structure (Q¼S or Se). The Mn-based thiospinel CuMn0.3Ti1.7S4 is paramagnetic, whereas the Fe-based thiospinels (CuTi2 xFexS4; x¼0.3 and 0.7) are strongly antiferromagnetic due to their spin-glass states. The magnetic susceptibility measurements indicated ferromagnetic behavior for the selenospinels (CuCr2 xTixSe4; x¼0.3, 0.5 and 0.7).
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 212, 114-120Link de Acceso
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