Frecuencia de administración de psicoestimulantes en escolares de primero a sexto básico en Talca
Buttinghausen G., Valeria
Cruz F., Jaime
Elizalde R., Lorenza
Tapia D., Daniela
Figueroa J., Francisca
Huidobro-Muñoz, Andrea
Background: Stimulant drugs are frequently prescribed in the treatment of Attention-Defi cit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. Drug prescription is associated with children’s age and gender. Chile has few reports of Stimulant drugs prescription and there are no records in our region. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of Stimulant drugs intake in schoolchildren from
fi rst to sixth grade in Talca. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study in schoolchildren attending fi rst to sixth grade at urban schools in Talca was performed. The schools were stratifi ed according to socioeconomic status. A list with sex and age of the children was obtained from the headmaster of each school. The information about stimulant drugs prescription was provided by the class teacher or the person in charge of special education. Results: We studied 2,905 children, 1.76% of them were under stimulant drugs, 0.96% took methylphenidate and 0.76% took dexamphetamine. Administration of ADHD drugs was higher in boys than in girls (OR = 5.8; 95% IC: 1.35-4.43), in fourth grade students (OR = 2.3; 95%, IC: 1.26-4.15) and in 11-year-old children (OR = 2,4; 95%, IC: 1,35-4,43). Intake of methylphenidate was higher in the dhighest socioeconomic status (p = 0.0496), while the highest intake of dexamphetamine was found in the lowest socioeconomic status (p = 0.0014). Discussion: The use of stimulant drugs medication is low in Talca compared to national records. The prescription of these drugs is related to the age, sex of the students while the kind of drug prescribed was related to the socioeconomic status of
the child.
Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatría, 49(3), 258-264Colecciones
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