Socio-cultural connections and ruptures: Social roles of older adults in Chile

Piña-Moran, Marcelo
García, Leidy
This research focused on determining the sociocultural factors that build the social perception of the social roles of senior citizens in Chile in the 2002–2012 period. For this purpose, public opinion was studied in newspapers El Mercurio and La Cuarta. Specialized opinion included the Senior Citizen Program of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the National Service for Senior Citizens, the Social Observatory for Aging and Old Age of Universidad de Chile, and the Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology of Chile. A comprehensive methodology was used, along with a bibliographical four-stage design. The following ten sociocultural factors were identified: Health and Quality of Life, Studies and Data, Social Images of Aging, Gerontological Concepts and Sociopolitical Participation, Gerontological Policies, Plans and Principles, Aging,
Production and Gender, Institutionalization, Demographic Growth, Gerontological Training, and Exclusion and Old Age. This work suggests modifying the conceptual premise that emphasizes the inexistence of a social role for elderly people with a vision centered on the heterogeneity of social roles under permanent sociocultural construction.
Journal of Population Ageing, 9(3), 263-280Link de Acceso
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