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dc.contributor.authorCornejo-Araya, Claudia
dc.contributor.authorKronborg, Leonie
dc.description.abstractAdopting a constructivist grounded theory approach, 91 students from Years 9 to 11, in gifted educational programs from three schools in Melbourne, nominated their inspiring teachers. Eleven teachers, who received the highest number of nominations, were invited to an interview and an observation of their teaching. The emerged theoretical construct was identified as “Opening new possibilities: Inspiring teachers of gifted and highly able students,” which is further explained through three main categories: Being a knowledgeable and passionate teacher, creating an academically safe learning environment, and teaching beyond and above the regular curriculum. In addition, the theoretical process was explained through three phases: Expanding knowledge and understanding, Fostering positive attitudes, and Encouraging students to take action. Contextual determinants were considered to analyze and report the findings: students’ developmental characteristics, school culture, curriculum, and gifted educational provisions. Findings are discussed in the light of existing literature, as well as study limitations and ideas for future research.es_CL
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile*
dc.sourceJournal for the Education of the Gifted, 44(3), 300-326es_CL
dc.subjectGifted educationes_CL
dc.subjectEffective teachers of the giftedes_CL
dc.subjectGrounded theoryes_CL
dc.subjectSecondary schoolses_CL
dc.titleInspirational teachers’ model: a constructivist grounded theory study in gifted educationes_CL
dc.ucm.facultadFacultad de Ciencias de la Saludes_CL

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia de la publicación se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile