Riesgos psicosociales laborales: una propuesta de definición
Valencia-Contrera, Miguel
Rivera-Rojas, Flérida
Background: In 1984, the joint WHO/ILO committee, postulated a definition of psychosocial risks at work, responding to a need in a specific context. However, with the evolution of the working and personal conditions of workers, this definition is progressively considered to be insolvent, ambiguous, with false breadth and omissions. Aim: To analyze the concept of "psychosocial risk at work" and to establish a clear definition based on evidence from the existing literature. Material and Methods: An analysis of the concept, based on Walker
and Avant's proposal was carried out. It encompasses eight steps, namely the selection of the concept, determination of the objectives or purposes of the analysis, identification of all possible uses of the concept, determination of defining attributes, identification of a model case, identification of borderline
cases, identification of background and consequences and definition of empirical references. Results: The defining attributes of the construct are quantity, rhythm, complexity, content, control, diversity, schedule, flexibility or meaning of the work, perceived as inappropriate by the worker. Also, preoccupation associated with domestic chores and attention to the needs of others, lack of clarity about the role in the job position, deficient personal and professional development of the worker, adverse work environment, organizational aspects
that harm the worker, technological demands incompatible with the worker's capabilities and needs and finally, inadequate social relations at work. Conclusions: The construct background is grouped into elements attributed to the worker and attributed to the labor. The concept attributes were organized into
eight dimensions, and the consequences were classified as the personal effects on the worker and those associated with the labor.
Revista Médica de Chile, 151(2), 229-236Link de Acceso
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