Cortico-cortical paired-associative stimulation to investigate the plasticity of cortico-cortical visual networks in humans

Tarasi, Luca
Turrini, Sonia
Sel, Alejandra
Avenanti, Alessio
Romei, Vincenzo
Cortico-cortical paired-associative stimulation (ccPAS) is an advanced dual-site transcranial magnetic stimulation technique that exploits the Hebbian principle to induce plastic changes in functional networks and modulate interactions between cortical brain regions. This review summarizes the growing body of ccPAS research on network dynamics underpinning visual perception. Studies revealed a functional dissociation within cortico-cortical connections in the visual system, where distinct hierarchically organized circuits shape diverse aspects of visual processing, including motion perception, emotion recognition, and metacognitive judgments. Prospective applications integrating ccPAS with neuroimaging techniques such as EEG/MEG hold promise for fine-tuning interventions and gaining deeper insights into visual system network dynamics and functional architecture, with potential clinical applications in neurological and psychiatric conditions.
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 56, 101359Link de Acceso
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