A novel approach to teach grammar in chilean state schools: from a traditional to a communicative approach

Marchant Orellana, Camila
Torrico, Elizabeth
Grammar instruction has been regarded as a pivotal, yet controversial topic when it comes to foreign language teaching and learning. Views on this grammar debate have undergone considerable changes throughout the years, which have shifted from conventional methods, based on pure formulation of grammar structures, towards a more communicative approach to language learning. This article not only seeks to review the role of grammar teaching in publicly funded schools in Chile and the internal and external factors that entail difficulties in achieving a more progressive type of instruction, but also it intends to make a valuable contribution to teachers via an alternative approach to maximizing student learning and engagement when grammar is being tackled. This approach known as Encounter-Clarify-Remember-Internalize and Fluently use (henceforth ECRIF) is intended to serve as a reference for teachers interested in redirecting their teaching practices.
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada, 23(2), art. no. e21248Link de Acceso
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