Validation of the GAEU-1 Acale to assess the learning management of university students

Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
García-Cruz, Patricia
Del Valle, Milenko
Bolaños-Pasquel, Mónica
Cruz-Cárdenas, Jorge
Introduction: The self-management of university learning encompasses a series of aspects that allow students to be conscious and autonomous in their professional training. Objective: In this article, we present the process of creation and validation of a scale to assess essential factors of this phenomenon: self-management of learning, conscious motivation strategies for learning, perception of academic performance, and techniques for deep learning. Method: The design is a cross-sectional quantitative process with the purpose of carrying out validity and reliability analysis of a psychological measurement instrument. The research was conducted with 1373 university students from Chile and Ecuador. Results: The scale consists of 19 items that conform the four factors mentioned and whose results indicate adequate psychometric properties, allowing it to be applied in the Latin American context. Novelty:This research proposes a new instrument to assess the self-management of the university learning process, which contributes to carrying out new research in the university educational context.
Emerging Science Journal, 7(Special issue 1), 253-263Link de Acceso
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