Digital transformation in organizations: implications for the workforce

Sáez, Paula
Morales, Jenny
Silva-Aravena, Fabián
Digital transformation has caused profound changes in how organizations operate, interact, and adapt to the current business environment to maintain and/or increase their productivity and competitiveness. One of the main effects of continuous technological dynamism has been in the labor market, particularly in the labor force, where organizations and individuals must invest in new skills and knowledge to avoid obsolescence. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic accelerated the technology adoption process, causing organizations to opt to automate repetitive tasks, driving demand for new skills and fostering flexibility at work. The contribution presented in this work focuses on a literature review that addresses the labor market and digital transformation to determine how digital change in organizations has impacted the workforce. A bibliographic review protocol at an exploratory level was followed to meet this objective, consulting the Scopus database. In said review, it was found that, of 22 related studies, 15 of them account, directly or indirectly, for the need to acquire new skills to face the challenges imposed by technological changes implemented in organizations on the workforce, this being a transversal requirement in different areas, such as real estate, educational, entrepreneurial, engineering, medical, among others. In future work, the study will be complemented with a systematic literature review to explore how higher education institutions prepare the workforce to respond to the new demands regarding skills required in the work context.
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valdivia, Chile, 1-5Link de Acceso
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