From the classroom to the community: in search of the integration of service-learning with software engineering

Baltierra, Sergio
Valdés, Yolanda
Morales, Jenny
University Social Responsibility is an essential commitment for students when relating to the national and social environment, while software engineering projects, ranging from development to maintenance, underline the need to satisfy customer demands. In software engineering, the constant search for effective methodologies to promote significant skills and knowledge among students is analyzed. In this context, the Service-Learning method emerges as an innovation that transmits knowledge and establishes collaborative connections with the surrounding community. In this paper, we present a review of research focused on higher education students, especially computer engineering majors, who use the Service Learning methodology to address community challenges. The article is structured into sections that explore related work, the review methodology, a case study on an implementation project using Service Learning and Project Based Learning, and concludes with lessons learned from this review.
IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Valdivia, Chile, 1-6Link de Acceso
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