Psychometric properties of the Chilean version of the quality of life questionnaire for multiple myeloma

Lorca Parraguez, Luz Alejandra
Sacomori, Cinara
Peña, Camila
Barrera, Claudia
Salazar, Melissa
Leão, Ivana
Valladares, Ximena
Rojas, Christine
To evaluate the internal consistency and construct validity of the QLQ-MY20 for assessing the quality of life in multiple myeloma survivors in Chile.
This was a cross-sectional study conducted between March 2020 and December 2022. It involved 118 individuals from two public hospitals. The QLQ-C30 and QLQ-MY20 questionnaires were used. Internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha(α), and construct validity was evaluated through hypothesis testing (Mann-Whitney and Spearman correlation).
The average age of participants was 67.2 years (SD=9.2). Internal consistency for the complete scale was α=0.779, for the “disease symptoms” dimension α=0.671, for the “side effects of treatments” dimension α=0.538, and for the “future perspective” dimension α=0.670. Four of the five construct validity hypotheses were confirmed: women, individuals with worse performance status, those with pain, and those with worse fatigue showed more symptoms.
The Chilean version of the QLQ-MY20 demonstrates adequate internal consistency and construct validity.
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 77(1), e20230100Link de Acceso
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