Advances and trends in research on mathematical working spaces: a systematic review

Panqueban, Darlis
Henríquez-Rivas, Carolina
Kuzniak, Alain
This study addresses the research developed around the theory of mathematical working spaces (MWS). To this end, factors such as researchers’ country of origin are considered, as well as methodological characteristics, proposed objectives in each study, specific theoretical factors, and the links between MWS and other theoretical perspectives. This systematic review follows the guidelines stated by reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses for documenting each stage of the review. In total, 102 studies were considered from databases including Dialnet, SciElo, Scopus, and Web of Science. The results help to illustrate research trends in MWS theory, as well as the possibility of fertile ideas for new studies and future lines of research for those interested in this theoretical approach.
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 20(6), em2450Link de Acceso
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