Revisiting the Darwin wasp genus Epelaspis Townes, 1970 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Phygadeuontinae): five new species, new records and a key to Neotropical species

Lima, Adriane G. M.
Pádua, Diego G.
Araujo-Oliveira, Rodrigo
Mazariegos, Luis A.
Fernandes, Daniell R. R
The Darwin wasp genus Epelaspis Townes, 1970 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Phygadeuontinae) is studied in some countries of South America. We recorded the genus for the first time in Colombia, and five new species are described: Epelaspis boteroi Lima & Fernandes, sp. nov., Epelaspis constantinoi Lima & Fernandes, sp. nov., Epelaspis lulo Lima & Fernandes, sp. nov., Epelaspis tavoi Lima & Fernandes, sp. nov., and Epelaspis wagneri Lima & Fernandes, sp. nov.. Furthermore, E. anorus Townes, 1970 is newly documented for Brazil, while the geographic ranges of E. renatoi Graf & Kumagai, 1996 and E. ketiae Graf & Kumagai, 1996 are extended within the country. Digital images, maps, and a key to Neotropical Epelaspis species are provided.
Zootaxa, 5468(1), 52-74Link de Acceso
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