The impact of project-based learning on the development of statistical and scientific skills: a study with chilean university students from the faculty of health sciences

Hsu, Chuan-Chih
Su, Chia-Shih
Su, Kua I,
Su, Chia Li,
This study investigates the impact of Project-Based Learning (PBL) with an emphasis
on statistics on 26 Kinesiology students from a prominent Chilean university. A mixedmethodological approach was employed for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of data
collected through surveys, supplementary interviews, and performance evaluations of these
students. Furthermore, group grades during the project execution were examined. The correlation
between academic performance and the perception of learning through this method was explored.
The results indicate a generally favorable assessment of PBL, emphasizing its contribution to the
development of statistical and scientific skills, as well as improvement in academic performance, with the option to incorporate additional methods to cater to different student needs. It is concluded
that PBL is a potential pedagogical strategy that promotes active engagement in learning and the
development of practical skills relevant to health sciences students in Chile.
Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal, 16(1), 5-32Link de Acceso
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