Corporate social responsibility: hospital management and health administration - perception scale of students from higher education institutions

Severino-González, Pedro
Solano-Solano, Javier
Acuña-Moraga, Omar
Montoya-Cáceres, Pamela
Romero-Argueta, José
Sarmiento-Peralta, Giusseppe
Calderón-Morales, Walter
Castro-Bravo, Milagros
Rebolledo-Aburto, Guipsy
The challenges of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in different industrial sectors are multiple and diverse, which has created various challenges. The health organizations are institutions dedicated to the prevention, maintenance, and improvement of people's health. These daily serve various target audiences, among which are university students, who have different expectations, perceptions, and ideals that support their relationship with healthcare centers. In this sense, this research aims to explain the perceptions of undergraduates about CSR in health institutions. A measurement model and a structural equation model are developed to test theoretical hypotheses. The findings of this research show the influence of the CSR imaginary on ethical discernment and environmental care, as well as the influence of ethical discernment on community engagement, as well as the influence of environmental care on community engagement. This paper provides insights that can be useful for the design of CSR strategies in the field of hospital management and health administration.
Interciencia, 49(7), 433-440Link de Acceso
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