Suppression of ferromagnetism and emergence of spin-glass-like behavior in the CuCr2-xSnx S2Se2 spinels

Pardo-Sainz, Miguel
Moris, Silvana
Piquer, Cristina
Rodríguez-Velamazán, José Alberto
López, María Luisa
Álvarez-Serrano, Inmaculada
Galdámez, Antonio
Campo, Javier
Magnetometry, neutron diffraction experiments, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) were performed to study the magnetic behavior of CuCr2−𝑥Sn𝑥S2Se2 (0.2≤𝑥≤1.0) solid solutions and experimentally determine the appropriate magnetic structure for these systems. For all samples, the main phase with normal spinel-type structure (𝐹𝑑‾3 𝑚) was refined. For low Sn concentration a minority monoclinic phase appears also corroborated with HRTEM analyses. Together with the results from magnetization experiments, neutron diffraction measurements allowed to establish that for samples with 𝑥≤0.4 there is a ferromagnetic long-range order at high temperatures labeled with the 3𝑑 irrep mΓ+4 of 𝐹𝑑‾3𝑚.1′, while for 𝑥>0.4 no magnetic signal is observed, indicating that the ferromagnetic behavior is suppressed and replaced with a spin-glass-like state.
Physical Review B, 110(6), 064436Link de Acceso
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