Secular trends of physical growth and abdominal adiposity of school children and adolescents living at a moderate altitude in Peru
Cossio-Bolaños, Marco Antonio
De Arruda, Miguel
Lee-Andruske, Cynthia
Luarte Rocha, Cristian
Gómez-Campos, Rossana
Objective: Identify changes in physical growth and abdominal adiposity at an interval of 14 yearsin children and adolescents living at a moderate altitude in Peru.Materials and Methods: The data comes from two cross-sectional studies carried out in the cityof Arequipa, Peru, located at a moderate altitude of 2,320 meters. In 2001, 473 males and 482females were assessed, and in 2015, 432 males and 403 females between 6.0 and 12.9 years oldwere evaluated. Data were collected in public state schools and measured using the anthropomet-ric variables for weight, height, and waist circumference. Body mass index (BMI) was calculatedaccording to age and sex.Results: Positive trends for weight were identified for both males and females at all ages(p < .001). For height, significant increases were observed in males for all ages. No significantincreases (p > .05) occurred in height for females between the ages of 6 and 8 years. However,commencing at age 9 until 12 years, females showed positive and significant increases (p < .001)in height. In 2015, BMI and waist circumference increased significantly for both sexes at all ages.Discussion: Between 2001 and 2015, positive trends in physical growth and abdominal adipositywere identified for children and adolescents living in Arequipa, Peru. These changes may be associ-ated with the rapid economic development in the country.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 162(2), 385–392Link de Acceso
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