Producción Académica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando publicaciones 201-220 de 3574
Bioethical community analysis of the socio-environmental conflicts of a pig industry on a chilean rural
(2024)Environmental conflicts, particularly within the pig industry in Chile, pose serious ecological, social, and economic challenges. This study focuses on analyzing the bioethical aspects of the ongoing environmental conflicts ...
O-Alkyl derivatives of ferulic and syringic acid as lipophilic antioxidants: effect of the length of the alkyl chain on the improvement of the thermo-oxidative stability of sunflower oil
(2024)Lipid oxidation is the major cause of the deterioration of fat-containing foods, especially those containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Antioxidant additives of synthetic origin are added to matrices rich in ...
Estudio de revisión sistemática sobre el acoso escolar en el contexto de la educación y la actividad física
(2024)Introducción: las conductas agresivas como el bullying o acoso escolar (AE) en la población no son un hecho aislado y afecta gravemente la salud socioemocional de quienes lo padecen. Objetivo: el presente estudio tuvo por ...
The mediating role of cardiorespiratory fitness in the association between a negative lifestyle and poor mental health in chilean schoolchildren
(2024)Background: A negative lifestyle has a reported relationship with psychological problems and deteriorated well-being. However, there is little information regarding the mediating role of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in ...
La empatía médica en la relación médico-paciente: Una revisión desde una perspectiva cultural
(2023)Antecedentes: La empatía médica es un pilar fundamental en la construcción social de la relación médico-paciente. En este sentido, las creencias y percepciones de los pacientes sobre la empatía médica y las actitudes ...
Asociación entre cáncer y fitness cardiorrespiratorio en población chilena: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017
(2023)Introducción: La actividad física y el fitness cardiorrespiratorio (FCR) son factores protectores en el desarrollo de cáncer. Sin embargo, se desconoce el FCR en población chilena diagnosticada con cáncer. Objetivo: Evaluar ...
Nivel de conocimiento y aplicación de la alfabetización física entre profesores de Educación Física del Centro-Sur de Chile
(2024)La Alfabetización Física (AFi), un concepto relativamente nuevo, tiene como objetivo promover la actividad física durante toda la vida. Para evaluar el nivel de conocimiento y aplicación de la AFi entre docentes de Educación ...
Regulación autonómica cardiaca en respuesta a la prueba de umbral de potencia funcional en ciclistas de élite.
(2023)Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de una prueba de umbral de potencia funcional (FTP) sobre los indicadores de regulación autonómica cardiaca en ciclistas de alto rendimiento. Métodos: Se reclutó a un total de 12 ciclistas de ...
Land use around influences the entomological community in lettuce horticultural systems
(2024)The complexity of the agroecosystem can also be assessed by the different land uses in the system and the surroundings, being a relevant way to assess the heterogeneity of the landscape and the effects on the community of ...
Business strategies in agricultural units to incorporate value chains in new national and international markets: a case study of Colombia
(2024)The research recommends business strategies that allow agricultural units to incorporate value chains to reach new national and international markets. Positivist, quantitative, descriptive and transversal methodology, with ...
Statistical inference in school textbooks. an approach to statistical thinking
(2024)[Objective] The main purpose of this study was to analyze the activities related to statistical inference present in secondary education textbooks in Chile, and their relationship to the development of statistical thinking. ...
Grain boundaries improve hydrogen storage in palladium hollow nanoparticles
(2024)Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations were employed to explore the enhanced hydrogen storage capabilities of palladium nanospheres with grain boundaries. It was found that hollow nanoparticles with grain boundaries ...
Parallel ensemble of a randomization-based online sequential neural network for classification problems using a frequency criterion
(2024)Randomization-based neural networks have gained wide acceptance in the scientific community owing to the simplicity of their algorithm and generalization capabilities. Random vector functional link (RVFL) networks and their ...
Teaching grassroots soccer: a systematic review of literature
(2024)Background and Study Aim. The process of soccer training for children and young people involves systematic exercise over an extended period to build a strong foundation of motor skills. These skills are designed to be both ...
Social capital, biocultural heritage, and commoning for inclusive sustainability of peasant agriculture: three case studies in Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile
(2023)Social issues and theoretical background: the sustainability of human societies depends on the intergenerational transmission of capital stocks, whether natural, social or economic. With ever more competition for economic ...
Adaptación y validación de la Student Teacher Professional Identity Scale en estudiantes de pedagogía chilenos
(2024)La identidad profesional docente es un constructo que ha ganado el interés de numerosos investigadores en el campo de la formación del profesor, por su incidencia en la satisfacción laboral, el engagement, la autoeficacia ...
Social relationships and their association with the functional capacity of older chilean adults: longitudinal evidence
(2024)Background Functional capacity is recognized as a central factor for health in old age and not all studies that seek to clarify the role of social relationships in functional capacity are conclusive. The subject has only ...
Water as a transversal axis of learning in school textbooks for Chilean primary education students
(2024)Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the presence of water as a transversal learning axis in the activities of Natural Science textbooks in Chilean Basic Education. Theoretical Framework: The theoretical ...
Jornada Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Teología
(2024)Los autores de artículos aceptados en Teología y Vida conservan los derechos de propiedad intelectual sobre sus trabajos y otorgan a la revista los permisos de distribución y comunicación pública de los mismos, consintiendo ...
Análisis de creencias de docentes, estudiantes, y educadoras de infantil
(2024)El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las creencias de educadoras de párvulos, docentes formadoras y estudiantes de primer y último año que cursan la carrera de educación parvularia para identificar los significados que ...