Producción Académica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando publicaciones 221-240 de 3574
Responsabilidad social universitaria y autodeterminación de los estudiantes universitarios de Ecuador
(2024)El propósito de esta investigación es examinar diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las responsabilidades sociales de los estudiantes universitarios de Ecuador. Se aplica un instrumento de autosuministración a ...
Sesgos y heurísticas en la toma de decisiones de estudiantes universitarios en carreras administrativas y contables
(2024)El principal objetivo de esta investigación es reconocer sesgos y heurísticas en estudiantes de carreras administrativas y contables cuando se enfrentan a situaciones de toma de decisiones. Por ello se sigue una metodología ...
Chilean Darwin Wasps (Ichneumonidae): biogeographic relationships and distribution patterns
(2024)Ichneumonidae, or Chilean Darwin wasps, are an important component of South American hymenopteran diversity, but the taxonomic and distributional knowledge on this insect is still deficient. Taking advantage of recently ...
Asociación entre la velocidad de marcha y obesidad en población chilena: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017
(2023)Antecedentes: La velocidad de marcha es un marcador funcional, utilizado como predictor de enfermedades crónicas. Sin embargo, existe escasa evidencia de la asociación entre la velocidad de marcha y obesidad. Objet ...
Use of etymology in the teaching and learning of biological and taxonomic concepts of chilean native fauna
(2024)Objective. Evaluate the impact of a didactic sequence, incorporating the use of the etymology of biological taxonomic concepts in the acquisition of knowledge about the Chilean native fauna. Methodology. To carry this out, ...
Well-being in doctoral students: considerations for the academic community
(2024)Undertaking doctoral studies is a highly demanding academic activity, so it is important that those who embark on this challenge can experience the process positively. This article aims to expose and reflect on the relevance ...
Heterosis for interactions between insect herbivores and 3-line hybrid rice under low and high soil nitrogen conditions
(2024)Hybrid rice results from crossing a male-sterile line (the A line) with a pollen doner (the restorer or R line). In 3-line hybrid breeding systems, a fertile B line is also required to maintain A line populations. Heterosis ...
Azorella compacta organic extracts exacerbate metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease in mice fed a high-fat diet
(2024)Azorella compacta (A. compacta) is a shrub of the Andean Altiplano of Bolivia, Chile and Peru, consumed by local communities as a traditional medicine for several maladies such as diabetes, hepatic and inflammatory diseases. ...
Influence of the effective reproduction number on the SIR model with a dynamic transmission rate
(2024)In this paper, we examine the epidemiological model B-SIR, focusing on the dynamic law that governs the transmission rate 𝐁. We define this dynamic law by the differential equation 𝐁′/𝐁=𝐅⊕−𝐅⊖ , where 𝐅⊖ represents ...
The involvement of antioxidants in cognitive decline and neurodegeneration: Mens Sana in Corpore Sano
(2024)With neurodegenerative disorders being on the rise, a great deal of research from multiple fields is being conducted in order to further knowledge and propose novel therapeutic interventions. Among these investigations, ...
Sustainable competitive advantages in agricultural companies in Colombia
(2024)El desarrollo económico y la competitividad, origina que las empresas conozcan con claridad sus elementos, recursos y capacidades para el diseño estratégico, constituyendo ventajas competitivas, perdurables a través del ...
Management of industrial wine residues: physicochemical, bacterial and fungal dynamics during composting processes
(2024)To foster a circular bioeconomy throughout the management of industrial solid wine residues in the wine industry, this work presents the physicochemical and microbiological dynamics of the composting process with white ...
Hablar sobre el silencio: una aproximación a los límites de la significatividad
(2024)El silencio no es un fenómeno que podamos colocar fuera del lenguaje o sistema de significación. A diferencia del mutismo que es solo una negación del ruido, este trabajo explora una interpretación del silencio como frontera ...
Developing hazard scenarios from monitoring data, historical chronicles, and expert elicitation: a case study of Sangay volcano, Ecuador
(2024)Sangay volcano is considered as one of the most active volcanoes worldwide. Nevertheless, due to its remote location and low-impact eruptions, its eruptive history and hazard scenarios are poorly constrained. In this work, ...
Association between the AHA Life's Essential 8 score and incident all-cause dementia: a prospective cohort study from UK biobank
(2023)This study aimed to investigate the association between the Life's Essential 8 (LE8) score and incident all-cause dementia (including Alzheimer's disease [AD] and vascular dementia) in UK Biobank. A total of 259,718 ...
Adaptive plasticity to drought of Grime's CSR strategies
(2023)Grime's strategies (competitor, stress tolerator, ruderal; CSR) represent viable trait combinations with which species deal with environmental conditions. CSR strategies are broadly used to understand plant adaptation to ...
Advanced care directives in residential aged care for residents with major neuro-cognitive disorders (dementia): a scoping review
(2024)The aim of this review was to identify, assess, collate, and analyze existing research that has made a direct contribution to aiding understanding of the ethical and decision-making issues related to the use of advance ...
Diagnostic trajectories of mental disorders in children and adolescents: a cohort study
(2024)Mental disorders in children and adolescents may follow different trajectories, such as remission, change of diagnosis, or addition of two or more comorbid diagnoses, showing a heterotypic pattern. This study aims to ...
Genetic control underlying the flowering-drought tolerance trade-off in the Antarctic plant Colobanthus quitensis
(2023)Plants inhabiting environments with stressful conditions often exhibit a low number of flowers, which can be attributed to the energetic cost associated with reproduction. One of the most stressful environments for plants ...