Producción Académica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando publicaciones 301-320 de 3574
Advanced nutrient monitoring: cost-effective cerium ion detection with smart device integration
(2024)This research is critically important for large-scale poultry farming, where vigilant monitoring is necessary to assess nutrient levels in poultry feed. Detecting cerium in poultry feed through colorimetric techniques is ...
A multilayer shallow water model for polydisperse reactive sedimentation
(2024)A three-dimensional model of polydisperse reactive sedimentation is developed by means of a multilayer shallow water approach. The model consists of a variety of solid particles of different sizes and densities, and ...
Connectivity between the volatility of green and non-green bond markets with international markets
(2024)This research paper analyzes the spillover effects of volatility between the U. S. green and non-green bond markets with international market volatility between 2018 and 2023. The empirical work used time and frequency ...
Retención de Dígitos (WAIS III): validez convergente y normas para población argentina entre 40 y 91 años
(2024)El subtest Retención de Dígitos de la batería WAIS III es de uso frecuente en evaluación neuropsicológica, aportando medidas de memoria de trabajo y amplitud atencional. Sin embargo, se carece de normas actualizadas y de ...
Tourist experience and use of virtual reality, augmented reality and metaverse: a literature review
(2024)Tourist experience (TX) is considered a specification of the customer experience directly associated with the tourism industry. Researchers agree that the tourist experience begins before the trip with preparations and ...
Improving UX in digital transformation projects through Lean principles
(2024)Today, digital transformation remains a key strategic objective for most companies. Through these processes, they seek to stay ahead in a constantly changing industrial environment and improve their competitiveness in ...
Use of artificial intelligence as a mechanism to evaluate costumer experience. literature review
(2024)In the contemporary era marked by the explosion of data, the widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has become essential for companies and researchers exploring various phenomena across industries. ...
Teachers’ mathematical work based on examples presented in the teaching of algebra in secondary education
(2024)Both international examination results and scientific evidence related to the teaching and learning of school algebra point to the necessity for analyzing mathematical practice in the classroom. In this context, we have ...
Effectiveness of in-group versus individually administered pain neuroscience education on clinical and psychosocial outcomes in patients with chronic low back pain: randomized controlled study protocol
(2024)Objective (1) This trial will compare the clinical and psychosocial effectiveness of in-group and individually pain neuroscience education (PNE) in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). In addition, (2) the influence ...
Reflexión colaborativa de didactas basada en un self-study interinstitucional
(2024)Se presenta un self-study exploratorio con cinco formadores de profesores especialistas en didáctica de las ciencias y de las matemáticas de diferentes países. Con el objetivo de caracterizar los procesos reflexivos de la ...
Frozen pepper pulp (Capsicum annum L.) stabilizer as soup: nutritional and sensorial assessment
(2024)The aim of this investigation was to elaborate soups from frozen pulp of organic pepper (Capsicum annum L. cv. Fyuco). Peppers were organically cultivated at the plots of Universidad Catolica del Maule, San Isidro Campus ...
Analysis of the contents of Ugni molinae Turcz fruits across the ripening stages
(2024)Recently, a growing interest in fruits having a high content of health-promoting compounds has become a trend among consumers around the world. Wild berries have received special attention based on the high levels of healthy ...
Educación a distancia durante la pandemia COVID-19: Experiencias de madres de estudiantes con Trastorno del Espectro Autista
(2024)La crisis sanitaria acontecida en el año 2020 generó una multiplicidad de cambios a nivel educativo y familiar en los hogares de niños y niñas con autismo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar las experiencias ...
Advancements in carbon dot production and characterization for food packaging: a comprehensive review
(2024)Carbon dots are one of the emerging nanomaterials within the family of carbon-based nanostructures. The spherical structure and fascinating properties of carbon dots have been recognized for their potential applications ...
Analytic solution for two dimensional beam problems: Pure displacement boundary conditions
(2024)The present manuscript delineates the derivation of strong solutions for the linear elasticity problem in a two dimensional rectangular beam. The materials under consideration can exhibit either isotropic or orthotropic ...
Record of Northern Barracuda, Sphyraena ensis Jordan & Gilbert, 1882 (Perciformes, Sphyraenidae), from the extreme north of Chile during a non-ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) period
(2024)A unique specimen of Northern Barracuda, Sphyraena ensis Jordan & Gilbert 1882, was accidentally captured off the coast of the city of Taltal in northern Chile. This finding not only extends the known range of the species ...
Structural characterization and magnetic behavior due to the cationic substitution of lanthanides on ferrite nanoparticles
(2024)A new series of [Fe3−xLnx]O4 nanoparticles, with Ln = Gd; Dy; Lu and x = 0.05; 0.1; 0.15, was synthesized using the coprecipitation method. Analyses by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, and high-resolution ...
Phase angle and its determinants among adolescents: influence of body composition and physical fitness level
(2024)To examine the association between levels of physical fitness, parameters of body composition and phase angle (PhA) amongst adolescents. A total of 152 adolescents (84 girls) aged 11–16 years were included in this study. ...
Calidad de vida y bienestar psicológico en personas mayores no institucionalizadas durante el período de estallido social de 2019 en Chile
(2024)Objetivos: Determinar la calidad de vida y bienestar psicológico en personas mayores no institucionalizadas de Santiago de Chile durante un período de estallido social. Metodología: Estudio de diseño no experimental, ...
Measures of central tendency in primary education textbooks in Chile
(2024)This study analyzed the tasks associated with measures of central tendency proposed to Chilean students from 5th to 8th year of basic education. For this purpose, the activities involving mean, median, and/or mode were ...