Producción Académica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando publicaciones 381-400 de 3574
La clase de religión en el sistema escolar de Chile: problemas y perspectivas desde una aproximación filosófica
(2024)La presencia de la religión en el currículum de un sistema escolar público es un tema controvertido. Este artículo propone una hermenéutica de la principal herramienta normativa que regula la presencia de la religión en ...
On the positive side of work-family interaction: development and validation of the Short Work-Family Enrichment Scale (SP-WFES-6) in Argentina
(2024)The purpose of this study was to develop and to, subsequently, validate a Spanish version of the Short Work-Family Enrichment Scale (sp-wfes-6). Using cross-sectional (n = 438) and multi-wave (n = 103) data from a sample ...
Values in educational projects: a path to responsible citizens
(2024)The schools declare in their institutional educational projects a series of values that guarantee the quality of pedagogical management. This qualitative, descriptive-interpretative documentary study, aimed to identify the ...
Metacognitive strategies for mathematical modeling with engineering groups of students: adaptation and validation of a questionnaire
(2024)A sequential exploratory mixed-methods study is implemented to develop an instrument that allows for the evaluation of the metacognitive strategies used by engineering groups of students when solving mathematical modeling ...
Interaction effect of curcumin and various exercise training strategies on adipokines and adipocytokines in the human body: an overview
(2024)Objectives The use of natural interventions as uncomplicated treatment solutions has attracted the attention of many doctors and patients today. This review analyzes the effects of different strategies of exercise training ...
Muscleness and fatness phenotypes for diabetes and hypertension prediction from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016-17
(2024)Introduction: Diabetes and arterial hypertension are increasing in adults, where calf circumference and waist circumference are two clinical epidemiological markers poorly studied for predicting cardiometabolic risk. ...
Diferencias en el rendimiento de la fuerza muscular según los genotipos del polimorfismo rs4646994 del Gen ACE en una población sedentaria
(2024)El gen de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina (ACE) se ha asociado con el rendimiento de resistencia y fuerza a través de su polimorfismo I/D. Sin embargo, existen resultados contradictorios entre diferentes poblaciones. ...
Lexical ambiguities in statistics declared by in training and in-service teachers
(2024)This article aims to evaluate how teachers, in training and in-service, define the concepts of randomness, probability, chance and variability, fundamental terms in the teaching of statistics. To this end, a printed recording ...
MSDeepAMR: antimicrobial resistance prediction based on deep neural networks and transfer learning
(2024)Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health problem that requires early and effective treatments to prevent the indiscriminate use of antimicrobial drugs and the outcome of infections. Mass Spectrometry ...
The RAGE axis: a relevant inflammatory hub in human diseases
(2024)In 1992, a transcendental report suggested that the receptor of advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) functions as a cell surface receptor for a wide and diverse group of compounds, commonly referred to as advanced glycation ...
O2 Saturation predicted the ICU stay of COVID-19 patients in a hospital at altitude: a low-cost tool for post-pandemic
(2024)Background and Objectives: Patients at high altitudes with COVID-19 may experience a decrease in their partial oxygen saturation (PO2S) levels. The objective was to assess the association between PO2S and intensive care ...
Water and temperature ecophysiological challenges of forests plantations under climate change
(2024)Climate change has impacted the environmental conditions in which forest plantations grow worldwide. Droughts and extreme temperatures have compromised the survival and productivity of plantations, and the effects on carbon ...
Proteomic analysis of domestic cat blastocysts and their secretome produced in an in vitro culture system without the presence of the zona pellucida
(2024)Domestic cat blastocysts cultured without the zona pellucida exhibit reduced implantation capacity. However, the protein expression profile has not been evaluated in these embryos. The objective of this study was to evaluate ...
Retrospective analysis of the ventilatory workload kinetic index during stability and crisis in patients with asthma and COPD in a monitored program
(2024)To assess ventilatory evolution through the Ventilatory Workload Kinetic Index (VWKI) in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) during stability and exacerbation. Retrospective analysis. ...
Comparative analysis of Donnan steric partitioning pore model and dielectric exclusion applied to the fractionation of aqueous saline solutions through nanofiltration
(2024)The aim of this study was to analyze, both theoretically and experimentally, the material transport mechanisms governing the separation of ionic species in aqueous solutions using nanofiltration membranes. To interpret the ...
Composición corporal y capacidad física en pacientes con COVID-19 hospitalizados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos
(2024)Las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) y agudos han sido los contenedores del avance de la pandemia por COVID-19. Sin embargo, la estadía prolongada en esta unidad puede repercutir sobre la composición corporal (CC) y ...
Machine learning-driven classification of urease inhibitors leveraging physicochemical properties as effective filter criteria
(2024)Urease, a pivotal enzyme in nitrogen metabolism, plays a crucial role in various microorganisms, including the pathogenic Helicobacter pylori. Inhibiting urease activity offers a promising approach to combating infections ...
Motivation to learn: an international multilevel study on student autonomy and teacher emphasis on content usefulness
(2024)En la educación superior, pocos estudios relacionan factores contextuales en la clase, como el énfasis del profesor en la utilidad del contenido y las características motivacionales de los estudiantes. El objetivo fue ...
Research note: virtual historical archive of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
(2024)This article describes the organization, operation, and contents of the Virtual Historical Archive of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The organization of this archive started in 2008, as ...
Cerebellum function: the chronometry of social perception
(2024)The posterior cerebellum is emerging as a key structure for social cognition. A new study causally demonstrates its early involvement during emotion perception and functional connectivity with the posterior superior temporal ...