Producción Académica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando publicaciones 421-440 de 3594
Effects of turning aeration and the initial carbon/nitrogen ratio on the biodegradation of polylactic acid under controlled conditions
(2024)Plastic pollution is primarily caused by the accumulation of petroleum-derived plastics, as they tend to degrade slowly. Sustainable alternatives to these materials are bio-based and biodegradable plastics, such as polylactic ...
Fault reactivation linked to rapid ice-mass removal from the Southern Patagonian Icefield (48–52°S)
(2024)The Southern Patagonian Icefield (SPI) lies above an area of slow convergence between Antarctic and South-America plates, where limited seismicity is recorded by global and regional seismic networks. To understand the ...
Assessment of satellite-based water requirements for a drip-irrigated apple orchard in mediterranean agroclimatic conditions
(2024)Accurate assessment of evapotranspiration (ETa) and crop coefficient (Kc) is crucial for optimizing irrigation practices in water-scarce regions. While satellite-based surface energy balance models offer a promising solution, ...
Atomistic study of CoCrCuFeNi high entropy alloy nanoparticles: role of chemical complexity
(2024)High entropy alloy nanoparticles are envisaged as one of the most interesting materials compared to monoatomic materials due to their modulated properties in terms of their convenient surface-to-volume ratio. However, ...
Sparkling jewels of innovation: revolutionizing environmental solutions with spinel-infused advanced nanomaterials, unveiling today's insights, and illuminating tomorrow's frontiers
(2024)In-depth explorations into spinels have produced noteworthy findings in the realm of research, owing to remarkable advancements across various applications, including photocatalysis, dye degradation, sensors, and batteries. ...
Emocionalidad en el aula de primaria de Educación Física postpandemia
(2024)La pandemia ha provocado diferentes consecuencias en la educación y salud de los escolares, siendo los efectos psicológicos uno de los más preocupantes. La escuela y especialmente los profesores de Educación Física están ...
Efectos de la actividad física en adultos con obesidad severa: una revisión sistemática
(2024)El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue identificar modos efectivos de ejercicio físico para optimizar la calidad de vida y salud de las personas afectadas por obesidad severa. Para realizar esta revisión sistemática ...
Decision-making in situations of uncertainty as school mathematical knowledge
(2024)Background: One of the explicit objectives of school mathematics is to prepare students to make decisions. However, decision-making itself is not usually considered curriculum content. Recently, the Chilean school mathematics ...
Simple sequence repeat markers (ssr) in annona deceptrix westra h. rainer, an endangered species of the ecuadorian coast
(2024)Polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed in Annona deceptrix (Annonaceae) to evaluate its genetic diversity and population structure. This species is a relevant agricultural and food resource for society because ...
Efectos del entrenamiento concurrente en indicadores de condición física y calidad de vida de adultos sanos
(2024)La combinación del entrenamiento de la fuerza y la resistencia en la misma sesión se conoce como entrenamiento concurrente. El uso de este tipo de entrenamientos permite optimizar los tiempos dedicados a la ejercitación ...
Effects of active exergames on physical performance in older people: an overview of systematic reviews and meta-analysis
(2024)This overview assessed the available body of published peer-reviewed systematic reviews and meta-analyses related to the effects of active exergames compared with active/passive control on physical performance outcomes in ...
Reading of ingroup politicians’ smiles triggers smiling in the corner of one’s eyes
(2024)Spontaneous smiles in response to politicians can serve as an implicit barometer for gauging electorate preferences. However, it is unclear whether a subtle Duchenne smile–an authentic expression involving the coactivation ...
Prospective cohort study identifies medical predictors of treatment-related oral toxicities in oral and oropharyngeal cancer patients
(2024)The dental treatment of patients with oral cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OOPSCC) may be challenging for dentists. This study aimed to characterize systemic changes in patients with OOPSCC undergoing ...
Actual evapotranspiration and energy balance estimation from vineyards using micro-meteorological data and machine learning modeling
(2024)Actual evapotranspiration (ETa) can be commonly estimated using numerical models based on i) weather and plant-based parameters, ii) from remotely sensed data and energy balance algorithms, and lately, iii) through the ...
Plant nitrogen metabolism: balancing resilience to nutritional stress and abiotic challenges
(2024)Plant growth and resilience to abiotic stresses, such as soil salinity and drought, depend intricately on nitrogen metabolism. This review explores nitrogen’s regulatory role in plant responses to these challenges, unveiling ...
El cómic como historia de vida de personas sordas: una propuesta pedagógica visual
(2024)La orientación para profesionales que se vinculan con la educación de las personas sordas debe considerar especialistas competentes en la lengua de señas y el diseño de materiales visuales. Por lo tanto, este artículo de ...
Adapting beyond borders: insights from the 19th student council symposium (SCS2023), the first hybrid ISCB student council global event
(2024)Summary: The 19th ISCB Student Council Symposium (SCS2023) organized by ISCB-SC adopted a hybrid format for the first time, allowing participants to engage in-person in Lyon, France, and virtually via an interactive online ...
Biomarkers of bipolar disorder in late life: an evidence-based systematic review
(2024)Purpose of Review Review the current evidence on biomarkers for bipolar disorder in the older adults. We conducted a systematic search of PubMed MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Web of Science databases using the MeSH search terms ...
Limitaciones y posibilidades de la clase de Educación Física y Salud en el desarrollo social de estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales
(2024)El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer el aporte de la clase de Educación Física y Salud (EFS) al desarrollo social de estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales (NEE). La muestra estuvo compuesta por siete ...
Validación del cuestionario EORTC QLQ -CR29 para evaluación de la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud de personas adultas con cáncer colorrectal en Chile
(2024)Introducción: Personas con cáncer colorrectal (CCR) pueden presentar efectos adversos, perjudicando la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud (CVRS). Objetivo: Validar el módulo QLQ CR2-9 para evaluación de la CVRS, en ...