Producción Académica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando publicaciones 481-500 de 3594
Relationships between pedagogical practices and affective states for effective teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from university professors
(2024)Objectives: This study aimed to analyze how pedagogical practices and affective states during emergency remote teaching influence professors’ perspectives on their capabilities and the professor-student relationship. Method: ...
University social responsibility and environmental education: Challenges that contribute to the development of educational policies in Chile
(2024)University social responsibility (USR), environmental education, and sustainability are linked and, at the same time, evidently promoted through policies that consider the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ...
Palm vein modeling for generating synthetic images with biometric purposes: a geometrical approach
(2024)Palm vein-based biometric highlights its contactless acquisition, high precision, and user acceptance. However, the lack of publicly available databases with a large number of individuals challenges the continuous growth ...
Gills de novo assembly reveals oxidative stress, unfolded protein, and immune response on red cusk-eel (Genypterus chilensis) under thermal stress
(2024)The heat waves on the South Pacific coast could lead to thermal stress in native fish. The red cusk-eel (Genypterus chilensis) is relevant for Chilean artisanal fisheries and aquaculture diversification. This study examined ...
Metacognición, insight clínico y sintomatología en pacientes ambulatorios chilenos con Esquizofrenia
(2023)Introducción: Las personas con esquizofrenia presentan graves dificultades para formar ideas complejas sobre sí mismos y otros, definidas como déficits metacognitivos, junto a menor insight clínico o capacidad para tomar ...
Cognitive neuroscience and education: not a gap to be bridged but a common field to be cultivated
(2023)The research fields of cognitive neuroscience and education are often criticized because of the gap that separates them. In the past 20 years, many actions have been taken to bridge this gap; advantages and criticisms ...
El concepto de delito informático según la nueva legislación Chilena (Ley nº 21.459)
(2023)Este artículo propone un concepto de delito informático y determina su compatibilidad con el ordenamiento jurídico chileno a la luz de su nueva ley de delitos informáticos (de 2022). Se argumenta que un delito informático ...
Effects of an educational intervention program on positional cranial deformity in premature infants
(2024)Positional cranial deformities are associated with prematurity evolving during the first 2 years of life due to the malleable characteristics of the skull, the first year being the main/primary therapeutic window for ...
Heterosis for resistance to insect herbivores in a 3-line hybrid rice system
(2024)Three-line hybrid rice is produced by crossing male sterile (A line) rice with a fertility-restorer (R line). Fertile lines (B lines) are also required to maintain A line seed for breeding programs. We used a range of ...
Schizophrenia and types of stroke: A mendelian randomization study
(2024)BACKGROUND: Previous studies suggest an association between schizophrenia and stroke, but no studies have investigated stroke subtypes. We examined potential causal associations between schizophrenia and a range of ...
Connectedness between regional financial markets: Evidence from Covid-19 and Russia-Ukraine conflict
(2024)The paper studies the connectedness of seven regional financial markets since 2018 to 2023 through a TVP-VAR model. The time period selected allow us to study the effects of the connectedness before and after international ...
Obstacles to a favorable attitude towards reflective practices in preservice teachers in training
(2024)Reflective practices have been recognized as a predictor of professional development because they favor teaching changes that improve the students’ learning. The expressions reflection, practice, and reflective professionals ...
Relationship between photosynthetic-water and nitrogen use efficiencies in young Pinus taeda L. trees at two contrasting sites
(2024)Background: Nitrogen and water are important limiting factors to forest productivity. At the plant level, there is contrasting empirical evidence about the trade-off between water use efficiency (WUE) and nitrogen use ...
Quadriceps muscle reaction time in obese children
(2024)This study aimed to determine the influence of obesity, according to body mass index (BMI) and fat mass percentage, on quadriceps muscle reaction times. The study utilized a cross-sectional design. The sample size consisted ...
Effects of combat sports on cognitive function in older people: a systematic review
(2024)INTRODUCTION: This systematic review aimed to analyze the available body of published peer-reviewed studies on the effects of combat sports compared with active/passive control on cognitive function and electrophysiological ...
To and fro in the archipelago: Repeated inter-island dispersal and New Guinea's orogeny affect diversification of Delias, the world's largest butterfly genus
(2024)The world’s largest butterfly genus Delias, commonly known as Jezebels, comprises ca. 251 species found throughout Asia, Australia, and Melanesia. Most species are endemic to islands in the Indo-Australian Archipelago or ...
Reproductive patterns in Araucaria araucana forests in the Andean range, Chile
(2024)Background Araucaria araucana is a mast species that presents a high variability in annual cone production. Researchers have recorded synchronization events in cone production in different populations, which allows the ...
A novel approach to teach grammar in chilean state schools: from a traditional to a communicative approach
(2024)Grammar instruction has been regarded as a pivotal, yet controversial topic when it comes to foreign language teaching and learning. Views on this grammar debate have undergone considerable changes throughout the years, ...