Producción Académica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando publicaciones 501-520 de 3594
Design and validation of a questionnaire to assess satisfaction among university students
(2024)Evaluar la satisfacción de los estudiantes se ha vuelto relevante para las instituciones de educación superior entendiendo que son los receptores principales del servicio educativo. Su relevancia en educación superior se ...
Percepción del estudiantado universitario acerca de metodologías innovadoras mediadas por tecnologías en una universidad chilena
(2024)El principal objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar la percepción de estudiantes universitarios acerca de la implementación de metodologías activas innovadoras mediadas por tecnologías y su impacto en los procesos de ...
Concepciones del profesorado formador de formadores sensible a la relación entre el género y la educación científica
(2024)El principal objetivo de investigación es caracterizar las concepciones sobre la relación entre el género y la educación científica (EC) del profesorado universitario formador de docentes de ciencias. La metodología es ...
TerrANTALife 1.0 Biodiversity data checklist of known Antarctic terrestrial and freshwater life forms
(2024)Incomplete species inventories for Antarctica represent a key challenge for comprehensive ecological research and conservation in the region. Additionally, data required to understand population dynamics, rates of ...
Amanda Labarca y la recepción temprana de su obra literaria en Chile
(2024)El presente artículo es una revisión de más de una veintena de libros de literatura, crítica literaria, historia de la literatura y otras temáticas asociadas, publicadas en Chile para relevar la primera recepción de la ...
Rising awareness to improve conservation of microorganisms in terrestrial ecosystems: advances and future directions in soil microbial diversity from Chile and the Antarctic Peninsula
(2024)Soil ecosystems are important reservoirs of biodiversity, as they are the most diverse habitat on Earth. Microbial biodiversity plays key roles in many ecosystem services, including the support to biogeochemical cycles. ...
Conformational preference of dipeptide zwitterions in aqueous solvents
(2024)Proper description of solvent effects is challenging for theoretical methods, particularly if the solute is a zwitterion. Here, a series of theoretical procedures are used to determine the preferred solvated conformations ...
Learning-oriented motivation: Examining the impact of teaching practices with motivational potential
(2024)This study compares the predictive ability of nine different types of motivational practices on the motivational orientation toward learning. Given the nature of undergraduate studies, identifying the most predictive ...
Obesity as a risk factor for complications and mortality in individuals with SARS-CoV-2: A systematic review
(2024)This systematic review aimed to analyze the available studies that identified overweight and/or obesity as a risk factor for mortality, use of respiratory support, and changes in biochemical markers in adults hospitalized ...
Novel apoplastic antifreeze proteins of Deschampsia antarctica as enhancer of common cell freezing media for cryobanking of genetic resources, a preliminary study
(2024)Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are natural biomolecules found in cold-adapted organisms that lower the freezing point of water, allowing survival in icy conditions. These proteins have the potential to improve cryopreservation ...
Breaking the law: Is it correct to Use the converse Bergmann rule in Ceroglossus chilensis? An overview using geometric morphometrics
(2024)The converse Bergmann’s rule is a pattern of body size variation observed in many ectothermic organisms that contradicts the classic Bergmann’s rule and suggests that individuals inhabiting warmer climates tend to exhibit ...
Unveiling novel urease inhibitors for Helicobacter pylori: A multi-methodological approach from virtual screening and ADME to molecular dynamics simulations
(2024)Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infections pose a global health challenge demanding innovative therapeutic strategies by which to eradicate them. Urease, a key Hp virulence factor hydrolyzes urea, facilitating bacterial survival ...
Influence of chitin nanofibers and gallic acid on physical-chemical and biological performances of chitosan-based films
(2024)In this work, chitosan films loaded with gallic acid and different content of chitin nanofibers were prepared and subjected to different characterization techniques. The results showed that the inclusion of gallic acid to ...
Cortico-cortical paired-associative stimulation to investigate the plasticity of cortico-cortical visual networks in humans
(2024)Cortico-cortical paired-associative stimulation (ccPAS) is an advanced dual-site transcranial magnetic stimulation technique that exploits the Hebbian principle to induce plastic changes in functional networks and modulate ...
Pain neuroscience education for patients with chronic pain: A scoping review from teaching–learning strategies, educational level, and cultural perspective
(2024)Objective (1) To identify the characteristics of PNE programs in terms of teaching-learning strategies, session modality, content delivery format, number of sessions, total minutes and instructional support material used ...
Exploring the effects of competition and predation on the success of biological invasion through mathematical modeling
(2024)Biological invasions are a major cause of species extinction and biodiversity loss. Exotic predators are the type of introduced species that have the greatest negative impact, causing the extinction of hundreds of native ...
Disgust as a transdiagnostic index of mental illness: A narrative review of clinical populations
(2023)Disgust is a basic emotion of rejection, providing an ancestral defensive mechanism against illness. Based on research that documents altered experiences of disgust across several psychopathological conditions, we conducted ...
User profiles of electronic ecological momentary assessment in outpatient child and adolescent mental health services
(2023)Introduction Electronic ecological momentary assessment (EMA) can provide precise information regarding day-to-day functioning of patients overcoming some of the limitations of usual clinical evaluation; however adherence ...
The dynamics of two iron-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus strains in industrial copper sulfide heap-leaching
(2024)Several species within the Acidithiobacillus (At.) genus can derive energy from oxidizing ferrous iron and sulfur. Two bacterial strains according to their 16S rRNA gene sequences closely related to At. ferridurans and At. ...