Producción Académica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando publicaciones 541-560 de 3594
Multi-channel target speech enhancement using labeled random finite sets and deep learning under reverberant environments
(2023)We proposed a multi-channel speech enhancement procedure under reverberant conditions with acoustic source tracking and beamforming. A deep learning algorithm was applied to improve the construction of a measurement set ...
Inter-host genetic variability of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and its implication in biomedicine: A bioinformatics approach
(2023)Background: Genomic sequencing data from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) have provided important information on the emergence of variants of interest. Some research has focused on determining ...
Trends in the knowledge area of organizations in Industry 5.0: perspectives and theoretical references
(2024)The field of organizational studies has undergone significant transformations in the 21st century, initially focused on business structure and management to maximize effectiveness and performance. Currently there is talk ...
Innovation systems in industry 5.0: theoretical and methodological bases
(2024)The research identifies current innovation systems according to their theoretical and methodological bases. The method used in this work is guided by the review of the literature, interpreted from the foundations of ...
Perfusión dirigida por objetivos: práctica actual en técnicas de circulación extracorpórea
(2024)La circulación extracorpórea (CEC) es un componente esencial de la cirugía cardíaca dado que permite mantener soporte vital durante el paro cardíaco inducido necesario para realizar las intervenciones ...
Machine learning model for predicting primary school scores based on spatial, socio demographic and school–related information
(2024)Learning strategies at primary school level are important to ensure student progress. In this regards, the identification of those factors influencing students grades certainly help teachers in predicting outcomes as well ...
Characterization of stomatal density and size of different vitis vinifera L. cultivars growing in mediterranean climate conditions
(2024)The stomatal traits of 13 red and white grapevine cultivars of Vitis vinifera L. established in a cultivar collection garden in central Chile were characterized in this study. The cultivars examined were ‘Cabernet Franc’, ...
Machine learning-based classifiers to predict metastasis in colorectal cancer patients
(2024)Background: The increasing prevalence of colorectal cancer (CRC) in Iran over the past three decades has made it a key public health burden. This study aimed to predict metastasis in CRC patients using machine learning ...
An outsider on the Antarctic Peninsula: A new record of the non-native moth Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
(2024)We report the first record of the microlepidopteran Plodia interpunctella beyond the South Shetland Islands at the Chilean Yelcho scientific station (64°52′33.1428″ S; 63°35′1.9572″ W), Doumer Island, close to the west ...
Production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) nanoparticles using grape residues as the sole carbon source
(2024)The production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) on an industrial scale remains a major challenge due to its higher production cost compared to petroleum-based plastics. As a result, it is necessary to develop efficient ...
Epistemological beliefs and teaching practice: a systematic literature review 2011 to 2021
(2024)Teachers’ actions are grounded on their theoretical and disciplinary knowledge; however, their belief system, and in particular their epistemological beliefs, may be influencing their teaching practices. This study analyzes ...
Los comerciantes de estampas del Valle del Tesino, Italia: un análisis desde las teorías migratorias (siglo XVIII)
(2023)Este artículo analiza la dinámica migratoria de los comerciantes ambulantes de estampas del Valle del Tesino (Italia) durante el siglo XVIII, vinculándola con aproximaciones teóricas recientes como la migración circular y ...
Migrar, viajar y servir en la antigüedad: la experiencia de Plinio el Joven en el siglo II d. de C.
(2023)Los estudios migratorios recientes han impulsado que la historiografía romana, en las últimas décadas, efectúe una revisión a la movilidad y migración en la antigüedad grecorromana. El presente artículo tiene como propósito ...
Carga de la prueba, intuiciones metaéticas implícitas y objetivismo moral
(2023)Recientemente, Wagner et al (2021) han desarrollado una crítica a la posición metaética pro objetivismo moral, a partir de lo que denominan “burden of proof argument” (p.2) Se trata fundamentalmente de rechazar que la carga ...
Targeting human glucocorticoid receptors in fear learning: A multiscale integrated approach to study functional connectivity
(2024)Fear extinction is a phenomenon that involves a gradual reduction in conditioned fear responses through repeated exposure to fear-inducing cues. Functional brain connectivity assessments, such as functional magnetic resonance ...
Effect of silvicultural treatments on Nothofagus glauca forests regarding canopy structure patterns, solar radiation transmission, and tree regeneration
(2024)This study focuses on the natural regeneration of Nothofagus glauca, a critical component of temperate forests in the Mediterranean region of the Southern Hemisphere in Chile. Various harvesting and canopy opening methods ...
What can insects tell us about the use of pesticides? the detection and quantification of chlorpyrifos via QuEChERS and HEADSPACE-SPME methods using GC/MS/MS
(2024)The global use of pesticides, exceeding 4 million tons annually, poses substantial threats to public health and the environment. Numerous studies emphasize the correlation between pesticide exposure, genotoxicity, and ...
Perceived stressful life events and suicide risk in adolescence: The mediating role of perceived family functioning
(2024)Aim: Suicidal behavior is a serious public health problem and a major cause of death among adolescents. Three categories of major risk factors have been identified: psychological factors, stressful life events, and personality ...
The effects of a physical activity intervention on adiposity, physical fitness and motor competence: A school-based, non-randomized controlled trial
(2024)Evidence suggests that early physical activity interventions are a means of preventing childhood obesity and are more effective when delivered in a school setting and based on the ecological model. Therefore, the present ...