Producción Académica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando publicaciones 81-100 de 3554
A study of the oral bioavailability and biodistribution increase of nanoencapsulation-driven delivering radiolabeled anthocyanins
(2024)Anthocyanins have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties but have limited bioaccessibility and bioavailability due to molecular instability in the gastrointestinal tract. This study evaluated the absorption ...
Modeling learning-oriented motivation in health students: a system dynamics approach
(2024)Background Evidence shows that motivational practices focused on utility, importance, and autonomy shape university students’ motivational orientation toward learning. On the other hand, the relationship between these ...
La pandemia nos golpeó a todos. Consecuencias en universitarios de 5 países latinoamericanos
(Universidad Católica del Maule; Nueva Mirada Ediciones, 2024)El presente libro recoge los resultados y testimonios de una investigación realizada con 3.860 estudiantes de 5 países latinoamericanos, en torno a sus niveles de resiliencia, fortalezas, debilidades y riesgo académico, ...
Apego en la adultez: una revisión sistemática de la investigación latinoamericana durante los últimos 10 años
(2024)Introducción/objetivo: las investigaciones sobre el apego adulto se han realizado principalmente en países anglosajones o europeos, y hasta el momento no ha habido una recopilación de las contribuciones provenientes de ...
Suppression of ferromagnetism and emergence of spin-glass-like behavior in the CuCr2-xSnx S2Se2 spinels
(2024)Magnetometry, neutron diffraction experiments, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) were performed to study the magnetic behavior of CuCr2−𝑥Sn𝑥S2Se2 (0.2≤𝑥≤1.0) solid solutions and experimentally ...
Desarrollo de habilidades STEM mediante el uso de prototipos tecnológicos en educación secundaria: una revisión sistemática
(2024)Esta investigación tiene como objetivo describir el estado actual de la literatura científica sobre el trabajo con habilidades STEM mediante el uso de prototipos tecnológicos en la Educación Secundaria. Para alcanzar este ...
Corporate social responsibility and air transport. exploring the perception of university consumers in Chile
(2024)Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a strategic model that seeks to satisfy the needs of stakeholders. The aforementioned has been included in the strategic administration of various passenger air transport companies. ...
Probabilistic, scenario-based hazard assessment for pyroclastic density currents at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
(2024)We assess the volcanic hazard posed by pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador, using a probabilistic approach based on the analysis of calibrated numerical simulations. We address the expected ...
Acute effects of the short-foot exercise in runners with medial tibial stress syndrome: a quasi-experimental study
(2024)Objectives Analyze whether there are immediate changes in peak soleus activation and peak hindfoot eversion after short-foot exercise (SFE) in runners with medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS). Secondarily, establish ...
Early metabolic and transcriptomic regulation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) liver by 11-deoxycorticosterone through two corticosteroid receptors pathways
(2024)Cortisol hormone is considered the main corticosteroid in fish stress, acting through glucocorticoid (GR) or mineralocorticoid (MR) receptor. The 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) corticosteroid is also secreted during stress ...
Characterization and in vitro bioaccessability of optimized chia oil-Capsul-sodium alginate microparticles obtained by 3 nozzle spray-drying
(2024)The influence sodium alginate (SA) as an outer layer agent on bioaccessibility and matrix food release of purified chia oil (PCO) microencapsulated was investigated. PCO microparticles with Capsul were elaborated and ...
Implications of airway resistance and conductance on the respiratory rate in individuals with various nutritional states exposed to exercise
(2024)Purpose: To determine how airway resistance (RAW) and airway conductance (GAW) affect inspiratory time (iT) and expiratory time (eT) in subjects with different nutritional states using the step test. Methods: Forty-eight ...
First report on precocious flowering in 5-month-old Peumus boldus Mol. seedlings
(2023)Whereas Peumus boldus Mol. rarely !owers in its native habitat until at least 4 years old, in this article, we report the precocious !owering of 5-month-old P. boldus seedlings and provide possible explanations for this ...
Analysis of a visible light positioning database in extreme learning machines applications
(2024)Over the past few years, there has been a growing interest in indoor positioning systems that use Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology in conjunction with light-emitting diodes (LEDs). These systems have become ...
Análisis del uso de modelos de mejora de procesos de software en el desarrollo ágil
(2024)En la actualidad, con el desarrollo global de software, los modelos de mejora de procesos de software han vuelto a centrar la atención de la comunidad científica. La necesidad de aumentar la probabilidad de éxito en estos ...
Performance analysis of a VLC system applied to a hospital environment for IoT-based smart patient monitoring
(2024)This article investigate the deployment of effective communication networks for smart IoT-based smart patient monitoring in medical facilities, advocating for the adoption of Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology. ...
Enhancing green underground VLC channels with polar codes and multiresolution analysis
(2024)This study aims to enhance the efficiency of Visible Light Communication (VLC) channels and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions in underground communications by leveraging Polar Codes and Multiresolution Analysis ...
“Está muy lejos de lo de Chile”: la historia de la construcción toponímica lo + nombre propio
(2024)In this paper, we analyze the construction of the Chilean toponym lo + proper name (mainly, surnames). We place particular emphasis on tracing the origin and historical evolution of this structure from a ...
Reproducción vecinal de la vida en contexto de crisis: recotidianización, entramados comunitarios y familiariadad pública. Casos en Concepción y Talca (Chile)
(2024)Desde una perspectiva relacional de lo comunitario, se exploran las relaciones que permitieron sostener la vida en espacios de proximidad durante la pandemia por Covid-19 en Chile. Utilizando una metodología cualitativa y ...