Repositorio Universidad Católica del Maule: Envíos recientes
Mostrando publicaciones 121-140 de 5432
Neoliberal state policies in the professional biographies of veteran teachers
(2024)Este artículo analiza las biografías profesionales de docentes veteranos y cómo las transformaciones del sistema educativo y de la labor docente configuran su identidad profesional. Se realizó un ciclo de entrevistas ...
Estimación de aptitud cardiorrespiratoria a partir de la Prueba de Caminata de Seis Minutos en escolares
(2024)La aptitud cardiorrespiratoria se puede evaluar con métodos directos, indirectos, de esfuerzo máximo, moderado, por medio de la carrera, bicicleta o caminata. Objetivo: predecir el consumo máximo de oxígeno (V̇O2máx) a ...
Corporate social responsibility: hospital management and health administration - perception scale of students from higher education institutions
(2024)The challenges of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in different industrial sectors are multiple and diverse, which has created various challenges. The health organizations are institutions dedicated to the prevention, ...
Tras la huella del migrante Notas deconstructivas para pensar un cierto paso
(2024)El presente trabajo quisiera pensar la potencial relación entre la figura del migrante y la noción de huella en Jacques Derrida. En el sentido propuesto por el filósofo, la huella desarticularía la figura del migrante como ...
Aproximaciones genómicas y su utilidad en la identificación de genes involucrados en adaptación local en ectotermos, con énfasis en herpetofauna
(2024)La heterogeneidad ambiental es un factor determinante en la evolución de la plasticidad fenotípica de los organismos. Los ambientes marcadamente heterogéneos son escenarios ideales para investigar los procesos y mecanismos ...
Multiplatform computer vision system to support physical fitness assessments in schoolchildren
(2024)Currently, the lack of physical activity can lead to health problems, with the increase in obesity in children between 8 and 18 years old being of particular interest because it is a formative stage. One of the aspects of ...
Deciphering the hearts: geometric morphometrics reveals shape variation in Abatus sea urchins across subantarctic and antarctic seas
(2024)Abatus is a genus of irregular brooding sea urchins to the Southern Ocean. Among the 11 described species, three shared morphological traits and present an infaunal lifestyle in the infralittoral from the Subantarctic ...
Analyzing monofractal short and very short time series: a comparison of detrended fluctuation analysis and convolutional neural networks as classifiers
(2024)Time series data are a crucial information source for various natural and societal processes. Short time series can exhibit long-range correlations that reveal significant features not easily discernible in longer ones. ...
Origins of susceptibility to insect herbivores in high-yielding hybrid and inbred rice genotypes
(2024)Several studies have reported higher damage from insect herbivores to hybrid compared to inbred (pure line) rice. We used a collection of 20 hybrid and 12 inbred genotypes from diverse origins to test the hypotheses that ...
Revisiting the link between workplace support for families, family support, diet quality, and satisfaction with food-related life in the second year of the pandemic
(2024)The main objective of this study was to examine the actor and partner effects between Perceived Workplace Support for Families (PWSFs) and family support (PFS), diet quality, and satisfaction with food-related life (SWFoL) ...
Educating professionals to develop nature-based solutions (NBS) as infrastructure for water pollution control: a course proposal
(2024)The objective of this study was to design a university-level course focused on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for water pollution control. The work unfolded in three phases: the initial planning, course delivery, and assessment ...
Rice bund management by filipino farmers and willingness to adopt ecological engineering for pest suppression
(2024)Ecological engineering is defined as the design of ecosystems for the benefit of human society and the environment. In Asia, the ecological engineering of rice fields by establishing vegetation on bunds/levees for natural ...
Effectiveness of virtual reality in occupational therapy for post-stroke adults: a systematic review
(2024)Background: In recent years, there has been a growing use of technological advancements to enhance the rehabilitation of individuals who have suffered from cerebrovascular accidents. Virtual reality rehabilitation programs ...
Effects of elastic band training on body composition and physical performance in older people: a systematic review with meta-analysis
(2024)Objectives This systematic review with meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the effects of elastic band training (EBT) on body composition and physical performance in apparently healthy older people. Methods A systematic ...
Translation, validity and reliability of the fall risk scale for older adults
(2024)Introduction Falls in older adults are a common and serious threat to health and functional independence. It can cause psychological distress, inability to participate in activities of daily living, brain injury, fractures, ...
Methodological characteristics of the teaching of professional reasoning in Kinesiology: qualitative study
(2024)Background. The initial training of healthcare professionals has exhibited persistent declared dysfunction since the Alma Ata declaration, which exposed the difficulties of conditioned reasoning due to mimetic assimilation ...
Efectos de un programa de entrenamiento neuromuscular para prevención de inestabilidad funcional de tobillo en futbolistas masculinos de 17 a 20 años: experimento clínico con FIFA 11+
(Universidad Católica del Maule, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Departamento de Ciencias de la Actividad Física, 2022)Objetivo(s): Determinar efectos de un programa de entrenamiento neuromuscular de prevención de la inestabilidad funcional de tobillo (PENMT) en comparación con programa convencional FIFA 11+ sobre ocurrencia de esguince ...
Social emergence in cryptocurrency systems and their open, self-organized development
(2024)Being supposedly the ground for an exchange system that does not depend on central, top-down regulation, cryptocurrencies increasingly need new algorithmic and policy-driven rules to maintain their trustworthiness and ...
Representaciones sociales acerca de Instagram: Estudio cualitativo con adultos emergentes con diferente bienestar psicológico y autoestima corporal
(2024)Antecedentes: existe una relación entre el uso de Instagram y diferentes influencias e interacciones con el bienestar y salud mental de este grupo etario. Objetivo: Reconstruir las representaciones sociales acerca de la ...
The narrative of Amanda Labarca and the criollismo: notes for inserting it into chilean literary history (or narrating it to depict and change Chile)
(2024)This paper explores a set of narratives that the writer, educator and feminist leader Amanda Labarca published in the first quarter of the 20th century, namely the novel En tierras extrañas (1915), the short novel La lámpara ...