Repositorio Académico
El Repositorio de la Universidad Católica del Maule recopila, conserva, difunde y proporciona acceso a la producción científica y académica generada por los docentes e investigadores de nuestra casa de estudio.
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El uso de los géneros discursivos de formación en tres carreras de pedagogía de una universidad de la Región del Maule perteneciente al consejo de rectores de las universidades chilenas
(Universidad Católica del Maule, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, 2019)Tener un registro de los géneros discursivos más utilizados en el proceso de formación universitaria es un factor indispensable para realizar una caracterización del trabajo que con estos se realiza, y de esta manera ...
Dosage matters: uncovering the optimal duration of pain neuroscience education to improve psychosocial variables in chronic musculoskeletal pain. a systematic review and meta-analysis with moderator analysis
(2023)The aim was to examine the moderator effect of duration of PNE (total minutes) on changes in psychosocial variables after treatment in people with chronic musculoskeletal pain. PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus ...
Effectiveness of adding pain neuroscience education to telerehabilitation in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial
(2023)Background Previous studies have shown positive results of pain neuroscience education (PNE) combined with exercise in patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders. However, the effects of this intervention in patients ...
Bacterial polysaccharide-stabilized silver nanoparticles photocatalytically decolorize azo dyes
(2024)Bacterial polysaccharide is advantageous over plant, algal, and fungal polysaccharides in terms of stability, non-toxicity, and biodegradable nature. In addition, bacterial cell wall polysaccharide (CPs) is very little ...
Perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and hopelessness as predictors of future suicidal ideation in Spanish university students
(2024)The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (IPTS) has received support for its role in understanding suicidal thoughts and behaviors. However, few longitudinal studies have focused on testing this theory in university students. ...