“Quando nasce um monstro?” possibilidade do uso de uma história infantil para o ensino de probabilidade
Alencar, Edvonete Souza de
Araújo, José R. A.
Díaz-Levicoy, Danilo A.
Soares, Maria R.
As part of the project Creation of children's literature stories for the teaching of mathematics that, in addition to creation, analyseschildren's works already published, to identify potentialities of their use for the teaching of mathematics and for theuse in teacher training, in this article we analysethe content of the work "When a monster is born". With the aim of identifyingthe potentialities of the bookfor the teaching of probability for early childhood education students, this study was based on discussions related to probability teaching, especially for this level of education.The study used assumptions of the content analysis methodology to perform a pre-analysis of the book, an exploration of the material and a treatment of the selected content, which allowed to make inferences and interpretation of parts of the plot content favourableto the teaching of probability. The results identified originate from the recurrence of the expressions "there are two possibilities", "or he...", "or he...", "if he" and "but if he...", present in the book. These expressions reveal, at least, the intuitive aspect of the notion of probability. Related to actions of the plot character, these expressions were identified as a possibility of performing comparations between results of these actions, which can foster criticality in situations involving probabilities. In our analysis, the expressions identified were also a possibility to approach linguistic elements, concepts and definition, propositions, procedures andarguments, relating to probability.
Brazilian Journal of Development, 7(1), 9807-9816Link de Acceso
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