Generating style-based palm vein synthetic images for the creation of large-scale datasets
Salazar, E.
Hernández-García, Ruber
Vilches-Ponce, Karina
Vásquez, A.
Individuals recognition through their biometric traits is an essential component of modern society. The recent literature includes several works based on palm vein recognition for individual identification, being a very active research field in the last five years. However, the publicly available datasets are very limited and have a small number of subjects, which limits to conduct scalability tests on large-scale databases. In this work, we propose a novel specific domain application for stylebased GAN architecture (StyleGAN) for generating synthetic palm vein images. Moreover, we present the largest dataset of palm vein images of the state-of-the-art at this moment, comprising of 10,000 subjects with 6 samples per each. Experimental results show that generated images look very realistic based on different metrics for measuring them against prior real datasets. The proposed dataset, called Synthetic Style-based Palm Vein Database (Synthetic-sPVDB), is publicly available on the website of our laboratory.
IET Conference Publications, 2021(CP773), 182-187Link de Acceso
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