Performance predictions and postdictions in prospective memory of school-aged children

Cottini, M.
Basso, Demis
Saracini, Chiara
Palladino, P.
Prospective memory (PM) undergoes important developmental changes during the primary school years, particularly around 7 and 8 years of age. Recent studies have suggested that, as well as executive functions (EFs), PM development also benefits from age-related increments in metamemory (MM) abilities. The primary aim of the current study was to explore the role of MM monitoring and control processes (i.e., procedural MM) of 7- and 8-year-old children in a PM task including specific cues. Monitoring processes were assessed by asking children to judge their own PM performance before (predictions) and after (postdictions) in performing a PM task. In addition, children were asked to report the strategy they used to remember the PM task. Reactive effects of making predictions and using strategies were assessed via both an ongoing task (OT) and PM performance. EF and declarative MM performance was also examined. Results showed that children who were asked to predict PM performance had faster PM response times (RTs), but not higher accuracy rates, than children in a control group. However, strategy use affected both PM and OT performance, with those children reporting active strategy use obtaining higher PM accuracy rates and slower OT RTs. Finally, switching abilities were also predictive of OT performance. This investigation highlights the importance of studying MM monitoring and control processes in relation to children’s PM.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 179, 38-55Link de Acceso
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