Imagining a feminist and inclusive academia: Multicultural, collaborative, and multidisciplinary redesign of educational resources

Bravo González, Paulina
Venegas Espinoza, Jennifer
Ibaceta Guerra, Nina
The educational system is exposed to biases and stereotypes that operate under capacities, androcentric, and patriarchal logics, where Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) classrooms are not exempt from a worldwide recognised gender gap. This article aims to illustrate another way of organizing and being in academia with a concrete example of multicultural, collaborative, and multidisciplinary work towards decolonizing how we position ourselves in shaping a feminist and inclusive practice. Educational resources
developed by an international foundation were adapted to a combined/blended teaching-learning format, considering the conditions of distance education during the health emergency scenario caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The resources were developed incorporating gender perspective, inclusive approach, and aspects of our Latin American identity. This work was carried out collaboratively with specialists from different Latin American countries. Given the current scenario of global challenges, collaborative work between countries allows us to rescue strategies and solutions with a territorial stamp, highlighting our knowledge and putting it at the service of educational resources relevant to each context and science
Psicoperspectivas, 22(3), 1-19Link de Acceso
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