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dc.contributor.authorde Albuquerque Araújo, Letícia
dc.contributor.authorIcaza, Gloria
dc.contributor.authorMárquez, Carlos
dc.contributor.authorAlbala, Cecilia
dc.description.abstractBackground Functional capacity is recognized as a central factor for health in old age and not all studies that seek to clarify the role of social relationships in functional capacity are conclusive. The subject has only been studied in a limited way in Latin America, a region that is aging prematurely, with evidence primarily from developed countries, which have experienced a more gradual aging of their population. This longitudinal study aimed to determine how aspects of social relationships impact the functionality of older Chileans. Methodology We conducted a cohort study of 2,265 people aged 60 years or older who lived in the community and resided in Greater Santiago, Chile. Five aspects of social relationships were considered at baseline (participation in groups, clubs, or organizations; number of people in the household; participation in recreational activities; perception of material support, help or advice, and marital status), from which a cluster analysis by conglomerate was performed and used as the exposure of interest. Functional limitation (FL) was the dependent variable, classified as a limitation in at least 1 basic activity of daily living or 1 instrumental activity or 2 advanced activities. The control variables considered were: sex, age, educational level, multimorbidity, depression and years of follow-up. Survival analyses using a Cox proportional hazard regression and multilevel logistic regressions (person level and follow-up wave level) were performed. Results The identified clusters were four: “without social participation and does not live alone”; “without a partner and without social participation”; “no perception of support and no social participation”; “with participation, partner and perception of support”. Social relationship clusters predicted FL incidence and FL reporting during follow-up. Being in the clusters "without social participation and does not live alone" and "without partner and without social participation" were risk factors for incident FL and report of FL during follow-up, compared to being in the reference cluster "with participation, partner and perception of support. Conclusions In summary, our study showed that participating in social organizations, not living alone and having a partner are protective factors for presenting and developing functional limitation in old age for community-living Chileans in an urban area.es_CL
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile*
dc.sourceBMC Geriatrics, 24, 616es_CL
dc.subjectHealthy aginges_CL
dc.subjectSocial participationes_CL
dc.subjectSocial networkes_CL
dc.subjectOlder adultses_CL
dc.titleSocial relationships and their association with the functional capacity of older chilean adults: longitudinal evidencees_CL
dc.ucm.facultadFacultad de Ciencias de la Saludes_CL

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile
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