Now showing items 1-20 of 23

  • A pilot 1-year follow-up randomised controlled trial comparing metacognitive training to psychoeducation in schizophrenia: effects on insight 

    Lopez-Morinigo, Javier-David; Sánchez-Escribano, Adela; Barrigón, María Luisa; Escobedo-Aedo, Paula J.; González Ruiz-Ruano, Verónica; Sánchez-Alonso, Sergio; Mata-Iturralde, Laura; Muñoz-Lorenzo, Laura; Cuadras, Daniel; Ochoa, Susana; Baca-García, Enrique; David, Anthony S. (2023)
    Poor insight in schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD) is linked with negative outcomes. This single-centre, assessor-blind, parallel-group 1-year follow-up randomised controlled trial (RCT) tested whether metacognitive ...

  • An approach for data mining of electronic health record data for suicide risk management: database analysis for clinical decision support 

    Berrouiguet, Sofian; Billot, Romain; Larsen, Mark E.; López-Castroman, Jorge; Jaussent, Isabelle; Walter, Michel; Lenca, Philippe; Baca-García, Enrique; Courtet, Philippe (2019)
    Background: In an electronic health context, combining traditional structured clinical assessment methods and routine electronic health–based data capture may be a reliable method to build a dynamic clinical decision-support ...

  • Assessment of e-social activity in psychiatric patients 

    Bonilla-Escribano, Pablo; Ramírez, David; Sedano-Capdevila, Alba; Campaña-Montes, Juan J.; Baca-García, Enrique; Courtet, Philippe; Artés-Rodríguez, Antonio (2019)
    This paper introduces a novel method to assess the social activity maintained by psychiatric patients using information and communication technologies. In particular, we model the daily usage patterns of phone calls and ...

  • Characteristics of single vs. multiple suicide attempters among adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

    Ezquerra, Berta; Alacreu-Crespo, Adrián; Peñuelas-Calvo, Inmaculada; Abascal-Peiró, Sofía; Jiménez-Muñoz, Laura; Nicholls, Dasha; Baca-García, Enrique; Porras-Segovia, Alejandro (2024)
    There might be differential characteristics between those who have attempted suicide once in their lifetime (single attempters) and those who have attempted suicide two or more times (multiple attempters). We aimed to ...

  • Comparison of mental health treatment adequacy and costs in public hospitals in Boston and Madrid 

    Carmona-Camacho, Rodrigo; Lê Cook, Benjamin; Baca-García, Enrique; Chavez, Ligia; Alvarez, Kiara; Iza, Miren; Alegría, M. (2019)
    Analyses of healthcare expenditures and adequacy are needed to identify cost-effective policies and practices that improve mental healthcare quality. Data are from 2010 to 2012 electronic health records from three hospital ...

  • Contribution of sleep deprivation to suicidal behaviour: a systematic review 

    Porras-Segovia, Alejandro; Pérez-Rodríguez, María-Mercedes; López-Esteban, Pilar; Courtet, Philippe; Barrigón-Estévez, María L.; López-Castroman, Jorge; Cervilla, Jorge A.; Baca-García, Enrique (2019)
    Sleep disturbances and suicidal behaviour are highly prevalent phenomena, representing with a significant burden to society. Sleep has been acknowledged as a potential biomarker for suicidal behaviour. Over the past decade ...

  • COVID-19 impact vs. suicide impact in Spain 

    Merayo-Cano, Jimena María; Porras-Segovia, Alejandro; Baca-García, Enrique (2023)
  • Current challenges in research on suicide 

    Barrigón-Estévez, María L.; Baca-García, Enrique (2018)
  • Diagnostic stability in bipolar disorder: a narrative review 

    Cegla-Schvartzman, Fanny; Ovejero, Santiago; López-Castroman, Jorge; Baca-García, Enrique (2019)
    Learning objectives: After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to: • Evaluate diagnostic stability in bipolar disorder • Analyze the factors contributing to diagnostic stability Objective: ...

  • Diagnostic trajectories of mental disorders in children and adolescents: a cohort study 

    Girela-Serrano, Braulio; Miguélez-Fernández, Carolina; Abascal-Peiró, Sofía; Peñuelas-Calvo, Inmaculada; Jiménez-Muñoz, Laura; Moreno, Manon; Delgado-Gómez, David; Bello, Hugo J.; Nicholls, Dasha; Baca-García, Enrique; Carballo, Juan J.; Porras-Segovia, Alejandro (2024)
    Mental disorders in children and adolescents may follow different trajectories, such as remission, change of diagnosis, or addition of two or more comorbid diagnoses, showing a heterotypic pattern. This study aims to ...

  • Evaluating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder using ecological momentary assessment: a systematic review 

    Miguelez-Fernandez, Carolina; de León, Santiago; Baltasar-Tello, Itziar; Peñuelas-Calvo, Inmaculada; Barrigón-Estévez, María L.; Sedano-Capdevila, Alba; Delgado-Gómez, David; Baca-García, Enrique; Carballo-Belloso, Juan J. (2018)
    Ecological momentary assessment is an excellent tool for the measurement of different day-to-day domains in patients and capturing real-world and real-time data. The purpose of this review is to evaluate feasibility in ...

  • Examining the relationship between COVID-19 and suicide in media coverage through natural language processing analysis 

    Bello, Hugo J.; Palomar-Ciria, Nora; Lozano, Celia; Gutiérrez-Alonso, Carlos; Baca-García, Enrique (2024)
    Background and objectives Suicide is a major public health concern, media can influence its awareness, contagion, and prevention. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and suicide in ...

  • Neighborhood vulnerability and disability in first episode of psychosis: a multilevel study 

    Izquierdo, Ana; Cabello, María; Leal, Itziar; Torio, Iosune; Madrigal, José L.M.; MacDowell, Karina S.; Rodriguez-Jimenez, Roberto; Rentero, David; Ibáñez, Ángela; Ayora, Miriam; Díaz-Caneja, Covadonga M.; Abregú-Crespo, Renzo; Mellor-Marsá, Blanca; Díaz-Marsá, Marina; Malpica, Norberto; Bravo-Ortiz, María-Fé; Baca-García, Enrique; Arango, Celso; Ayuso Mateos, Jose Luis; AGES-CM Group (2023)
    Objective: Neighborhood socioeconomic status seems to be related to functioning in patients with first episode of psychosis (FEP). The present study aimed to assess if neighborhood vulnerability and risk of social exclusion ...

  • Onset of schizophrenia diagnoses in a large clinical cohort 

    Lopez-Castroman, Jorge; Leiva, José; Cegla-Schvartzman, Fanny; Blasco-Fontecilla, Hilario; Garcia-Nieto, Rebeca; Artes, Antonio; Morant-Ginestar, Consuelo; Courtet, Philippe; Blanco, Carlos; Aroca Bisquert, Fuensanta; Baca-García, Enrique (2019)
    We aimed to describe the diagnostic patterns preceding and following the onset of schizophrenia diagnoses in outpatient clinics. A large clinical sample of 26,163 patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia in at least one ...

  • Perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and hopelessness as predictors of future suicidal ideation in Spanish university students 

    Pérez, Sandra; Layrón, Jose Enrique; Barrigón, Maria Luisa; Baca-García, Enrique; Marco, Jose H. (2024)
    The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (IPTS) has received support for its role in understanding suicidal thoughts and behaviors. However, few longitudinal studies have focused on testing this theory in university students. ...

  • Perceived stressful life events and suicide risk in adolescence: The mediating role of perceived family functioning 

    Caro-Cañizares, Irene; Sánchez-Colorado, Nuria; Baca-García, Enrique; Carballo-Belloso, Juan J. (2024)
    Aim: Suicidal behavior is a serious public health problem and a major cause of death among adolescents. Three categories of major risk factors have been identified: psychological factors, stressful life events, and personality ...

  • Predictors of re-attempt in a cohort of suicide attempters: a survival analysis 

    Irigoyen, María; Porras-Segovia, Alejandro; Galván, Leonardo; Puigdevall, Margarita; Giner, Lucas; de León, Santiago; Baca-García, Enrique (2019)
    Background: Suicide prevention is one of the greatest challenges in mental health policies. Since a previous suicide attempt is the main predictor of future suicidal behaviour, clinical management of suicide attempters is ...

  • Six-month clinical and ecological momentary assessment follow-up of patients at high risk of suicide: a survival analysis 

    Porras-Segovia, Alejandro; Moreno, Manon; Barrigón, María Luisa; López-Castroman, Jorge; Courtet, Philippe; Berrouiguet, Sofian; Artés-Rodríguez, Antonio; Baca-García, Enrique (2022)
    Objective: In this study, we combined ecological momentary assessment (EMA) with traditional clinical follow-up to explore correlates of suicidal relapse in patients with a history of suicidal behavior. Methods: Over 6 ...

  • Spanish adaptation of the Dimensional Anhedonia Rating Scale (DARS) 

    Arrua-Duarte, Elsa; Migoya-Borja, Marta; Barrigón-Estévez, María L.; Barahona, Igor; Delgado-Gómez, David; Courtet, Philippe; Aroca Bisquert, Fuensanta; Rizvi, Sakina J.; Kennedy, Sidney H.; Quilty, Lena C.; Baca-García, Enrique (2019)
    Background: Anhedonia is defined as the lack of enjoyment, engagement in, or energy for life's experiences. Only two scales to measure anhedonia have been adapted for use in Spanish-speaking populations. The aim of this ...

  • Suicide classification for news media using convolutional neural networks 

    Bello, Hugo J.; Palomar-Ciria, Nora; Baca-García, Enrique; Lozano, Celia (2023)
    Currently, the process of evaluating suicide is highly subjective, which limits the efficacy and accuracy of prevention efforts. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a mean of investigating large datasets to identify ...