Now showing items 1-1 of 1

  • Screening for consequences of trauma – an update on the global collaboration on traumatic stress 

    Olff, Miranda; Bakker, Anne; Frewen, Paul; Aakvaage, Helene; Ajdukovic, Dean; Brewer, Douglas; Elmore Borbon, Diane L.; Cloitre, Marylène; Hyland, Philip; Kassam-Adams, Nancy; Knefel, Matthias; Lanza, Juliana A.; Lueger-Schuster, Brigitte; Nickerson, Angela; Oe, Misari; Pfaltz, Monique; Salgado, Carolina; Seedat, Soraya; Wagner, Anne; Schnyder, Ulrich (2020)
    This letter provides an update on the activities of “The Global Collaboration on Traumatic Stress” (GC-TS) as first described by Schnyder et al. in 2017. It presents in further detail the projects of the first theme, in ...