• A proposal definition criteria for psychotic relapse: filling the gap for real-world studies 

    Migoya-Borja, Marta; Martínez-Alés, Gonzalo; Barrigón-Estévez, María L.; Palomar-Ciria, Nora; Cegla-Schvartzman, Fanny; Baca-Garcia, Enrique (2022)
  • Diagnostic stability in bipolar disorder: a follow-up study in 130,000 patient-years 

    Cegla-Schvartzman, Fanny; Ovejero, Santiago; López-Castroma, Jorge; Palomar-Ciria, Nora; Migoya-Borja, Marta; Bello, Hugo J.; Martínez-Alés, Gonzalo; Baca-Garcia, Enrique (2021)
    Objective: Diagnostic stability is the degree to which a diagnosis remains unchanged during time. Our main objective was to evaluate the diagnostic stability of bipolar disorder (BD) in psychiatric outpatient consultations ...

  • Diagnostic stability in bipolar disorder: a narrative review 

    Cegla-Schvartzman, Fanny; Ovejero, Santiago; López-Castroman, Jorge; Baca-García, Enrique (2019)
    Learning objectives: After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to: • Evaluate diagnostic stability in bipolar disorder • Analyze the factors contributing to diagnostic stability Objective: ...

  • Diagnostic stability of schizophrenia: a systematic review 

    Palomar-Ciria, Nora; Cegla-Schvartzman, Fanny; López-Morinigo, Javier D.; Bello, Hugo J.; Ovejero, Santiago; Baca-Garcia, Enrique (2019)
    The objective is to systematically review previous literature on the diagnostic stability of schizophrenia, particularly to investigate prospective and retrospective consistency. We carried out a systematic literature ...

  • Early administration of aripiprazole long-acting injectable in acute inpatients with schizophrenia: a clinical report 

    Palomar-Ciria, Nora; Migoya-Borja, Marta; Cegla-Schvartzman, Fanny; Ovejero, Santiago; Alvarez-Garcia, Raquel; Bello, Hugo J.; Baca-Garcia, Enrique (2021)
    Fifty-one patients suffering an acute episode of schizophrenia and treated with aripiprazole long-acting injectable (ALAI) were chosen to elaborate an observational study in two in-patient units in Spain, in order to examine ...

  • Nota clínica: Trastorno bipolar en xantomatosis cerebrotendinosa: a propósito de un caso 

    Migoya-Borja, Marta; Cegla-Schvartzman, Fanny; Palomar-Ciria, Nora; Iza, Miren; Barrigón-Estévez, María L.; Baca-Garcia, Enrique (2021)
    La xantomatosis cerebrotendinosa (XCT) es una rara enfermedad autosómica recesiva que puede cursar con manifestaciones psiquiátricas cuyo tratamiento puede resultar complejo. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 29 años, ...

  • Onset of schizophrenia diagnoses in a large clinical cohort 

    Lopez-Castroman, Jorge; Leiva, José; Cegla-Schvartzman, Fanny; Blasco-Fontecilla, Hilario; Garcia-Nieto, Rebeca; Artes, Antonio; Morant-Ginestar, Consuelo; Courtet, Philippe; Blanco, Carlos; Aroca Bisquert, Fuensanta; Baca-García, Enrique (2019)
    We aimed to describe the diagnostic patterns preceding and following the onset of schizophrenia diagnoses in outpatient clinics. A large clinical sample of 26,163 patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia in at least one ...