Resource transmission is not reciprocal: a dyadic analysis of family support, work-life balance, and life satisfaction in dual-earner parents with adolescent children

Orellana, Ligia
Schnettler, Berta
Miranda-Zapata, Edgardo
Lobos, Germán
Lapo, María del Carmen
Adasme-Berríos, Cristian
Hueche, Clementina
Parents in dual-earner couples use family resources to balance work and other life roles, which can influence not only their own well-being, but that of their partner. Following the theories of conservation of resources and role balance, in the present study we proposed that family support is positively associated with life satisfaction, directly and via work-life balance, in dyads of different-sex dual-earner parents with adolescent children 10–17 years-old. Questionnaires were administered to 303 different-sex dual-earner couples in Temuco, Chile. Both parents answered the family subscale of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, the Work-Life Balance Scale, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Analyses were conducted using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model and structural equation modelling. Results showed positive associations for each parent from family support to life satisfaction, directly and via work-life balance. Crossover associations were only found from fathers to mothers—namely, fathers’ family support had a positive effect on mothers’ work-life balance, as did father’s work-life balance on mother’s life satisfaction. Overall, men’s resources had a positive effect on their female partner’s role balance and well-being. Results are discussed by considering gender dynamics in the work-life interface.
Sex Roles, 85, 88-99Link de Acceso
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