Browsing Producción Académica by Title
Now showing items 2867-2886 of 3525
La robótica desde las áreas STEM en educación primaria: una revisión sistemática
(2020)Frente a la necesidad de una formación científica a temprana edad, el uso de la robótica en el contexto educativo constituye un importante recurso didáctico para el desarrollo de una educación centrada en las áreas STEM. ...
Robust linear functional mixed models
(2015)In this paper we propose a linear functional model with normal random effects and elliptical errors, thus extending the standard normal models considered previously. The corrected score approach (Nakamura, 1990) is used ...
Robust multivariate control charts based on Birnbaum–Saunders distributions
(2018)Multivariate control charts are powerful and simple visual tools for monitoring the quality of a process. This multivariate monitoring is carried out by considering simultaneously several correlated quality characteristics ...
Robust single target tracking using determinantal point process observations
(2020)The efficiency and robustness of modern visual tracking systems are largely dependent on the object detection system at hand. Bernoulli and Multi-Bernoulli filters have been proposed for visual tracking without explicit ...
Rol de la cirugía bariátrica/metabólica en el manejo de la diabetes mellitus 2. Consenso SOCHED/SCCBM
(2018)Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and obesity are a public health problem in Chile. Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment alternative to achieve a significant and sustained weight reduction in patients with morbid obesity. ...
Rol de la radio en situaciones de catástrofe. El caso de la radio Paloma y el terremoto del año 2010 en la región del Maule
(2013)La radio ha sobrevivido al exponencial crecimiento de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, en gran parte porque es un medio que se relaciona con la audiencia de tú a tú, como una experiencia íntima, privada. ...
El rol del control inhibitorio en la habilidad para resolver problemas de estudiantes universitarios
(2020)El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar el rol del control inhibitorio en la habilidad para resolver problemas de estudiantes universitarios. La muestra estuvo conformada por 90 jóvenes con desarrollo típico (Medad= ...
El rol predictivo de la red neuronal por defecto sobre la atención sostenida en edades escolares: una revisión sistemática
(2023)El rol de la Red Neuronal por Defecto en la aparición del trastorno de déficit atencional ha recibido evidencia científica creciente en los últimos 20 años. Este artículo tuvo por objetivo sistematizar la evidencia empírica ...
Role of glycoproteins during fruit ripening and seed development
(2021)Approximately thirty percent of the proteins synthesized in animal or plant cells travel through the secretory pathway. Seventy to eighty percent of those proteins are glycosylated. Thus, glycosylation is an important ...
Role of kinesiophobia in the selective motor control during gait in patients with low back-related leg pain
(2023)Fear of movement has been related to changes in motor function in patients with low back pain, but little is known about how kinesiophobia affects selective motor control during gait (ability of muscles performing distinct ...
Role of microbes in the degradation of organic semivolatile compounds in polar ecosystems: a review
(2023)The Arctic and the Antarctic Continent correspond to two eco-regions with extreme climatic conditions. These regions are exposed to the presence of contaminants resulting from human activity (local and global), which, in ...
Role of multiligand/RAGE axis in platelet activation
(2014)In the context of plaque progression, platelet hyperactivity associated with hyperlipidemia contributes to the development of a pro-thrombotic state. In this context, it has been demonstrated that advanced glycation end ...
Role of processing and encapsulation in the protection and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds from Chilean Tórtola common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
(2024)The aim of this study was to extract, protect and increase the bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds extracted from the Chilean Tórtola common bean. For obtaining phenolic compounds, two methods were analyzed, focusing ...
Romantic attachment and adjustment to divorce and separation in a chilean adult sample
(2016)This study aims to assess the extent to which the dimensions of romantic attachment, anxiety over abandonment, and avoidance of intimacy predict adjustment to divorce and separation. A sample of 190 Chilean participants, ...
Romantic attachment and adjustment to separation: The role of forgiveness of the former partner
(2019)Objective: Despite there is evidence linking romantic attachment to adjustment to divorce and separation (ADS), the mechanisms explaining this association needs further exploration. Hence, the aim of the study was to examine ...
Root endophytic Penicillium promotes growth of Antarctic vascular plants by enhancing nitrogen mineralization
(2020)Fungal endophyte associations have been suggested as a possible strategy of Antarctic vascular plants for surviving the extreme environmental conditions of Antarctica. However, the mechanisms by which this occurs are still ...
Rugby seven femenino en el centro-sur de Chile: asociación entre fuerza explosiva, velocidad, agilidad y estado nutricional
(2022)Las investigaciones en el rugby seven consideran demandas durante el juego, antropometría y aptitud física. En Chile este deporte no es profesional. El objetivo fue evaluar las posibles diferencias entre el rendimiento en ...
Runoff variation and progressive aridity during drought in catchments in southern-central Chile
(2023)Persistent drought events frequently intensify the aridity of ecosystems and cause catchment runoff depletion. Here, using large and longterm data sets of meteorological and hydrologic variables (precipitation, runoff, ...
Rupture properties of the 2020 Mw 6.8 Calama (northern Chile) intraslab earthquake. comparison with similar intraslab events in the region
(2023)We study the 2020 Mw 6.8 Calama earthquake sequence that occurred within the subducting oceanic Nazca plate. The main shock is modelled via waveform inversion using a dynamic rupture model, while detection and location ...
La ruta de las caletas del Maule. Sobre la articulación entre sector público, privado y sociedad civil en los procesos de reconstrucción posterremoto
(2014)Tras el terremoto y tsunami del 27 de febrero de 2010, el gobierno de Chile impulsó un plan de reconstrucción que, a través de diversos tipos de incentivos, ponía el liderazgo en los agentes privados, sin desarrollar ...