Browsing Producción Académica by Title
Now showing items 1901-1920 of 3525
Interseccionalidades de la izquierda y la derecha en América Latina y Europa. Una exploración de los procesos políticos contemporáneos
(2023)El actual auge de nuevos grupos de derecha con una particular combinación de liberalismo económico intransigente y fascismo nacionalista conservador, una especie de liberfascismo, aboga tanto por una estricta apología del ...
Into the role of unsaturated trinuclear metal carbonyls in the formation of [M3(2,3-bpp)(CO)10] with M=Ru, Os: A DFT stability analysis and electronic structure
(2023)The metal carbonyl clusters have been recognized as one of the most successful organometallic complexes with extensive catalytic applications. In this paper, we carried out a DFT study of the stability, electronic structure ...
Intoxicación por etilenglicol, fisiopatología y enfrentamiento clínico
(2019)Toxic alcohols can produce severe poisoning with multiple organic involvement and even death. The most common form is ethylene glycol. The diagnosis can be extremely difficult if there is no history of its consumption. Its ...
Intra- and inter-individual associations of family-to-work conflict, psychological distress, and job satisfaction: Gender differences in dual-earner parents during the COVID-19 pandemic
(2024)The COVID-19 pandemic changed the work-family interface dynamics in some families. For couples who kept earning a double income during the pandemic, their family demands may entail a loss of psychological resources that ...
Intracellular Helix-Loop-Helix domain modulates inactivation kinetics of mammalian TRPV5 and TRPV6 channels
(2023)TRPV5 and TRPV6 are calcium-selective ion channels expressed at the apical membrane of epithelial cells. Important for systemic calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis, these channels are considered gatekeepers of this cation ...
La introducción del espíritu en la filosofía heideggeriana
(2024)La pregunta central del presente artículo se centra en el grado y alcance de la transformación de la metódica heideggeriana en la medida en que la cuestión del ser debe abrirse a la posibilidad de lo político en la década ...
Introductory elements for the development of a multiplicative statistic
(2017)Indicators such as the arithmetic mean and the variance have a construction based on the additive character of the real numbers field. Here we explored the analogues of some measures of central tendency and dispersion data, ...
Intuicionismo y cognitivismo: sobre las verdades morales y la base intuitiva del juicio moral
(2022)Resumen El presente escrito argumenta que en la propuesta intuicionista desarrollada en Haidt (2001) no se distingue claramente una propuesta intuicionista de una propuesta emotivista. Esto supone un problema epistémico, ...
Intuición, filosofía experimental y racionalismo modal
(2018)El presente escrito tiene por objetivo discutir los alcances que tiene una propuesta a favor de las intuiciones en el ámbito filosófico, particularmente respecto al tópico referencial, sin que ello conduzca a un racionalismo ...
Intuición, racionalidad y confiabilidad
(2018)El objetivo de este escrito es discutir elrol y validez de lasintuiciones en el ámbito epistémico, en particular el rol de las denominadas intuiciones racionales y su característica de acceso a priori a ciertos ítems o de ...
Investigaciones sobre educación estocástica en primaria en el Acta Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa (1998-2018)
(2020)En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares de un estudio bibliométrico, de nivel descriptivo, en que se analizaron los artículos publicados en el Acta Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa sobre estadística ...
Investigación participativa dialógica
(2017)La investigación dialógica-kishu kimkelay ta che, se configura como una forma de construir conocimiento colectivo desde la constitución de comunidades de investigación, las que deciden en conjunto qué, para qué y cómo ...
Ion occupancy of the selectivity filter controls opening of a cytoplasmic gate in the K2P channel TALK-2
(2024)Two-pore domain K+ (K2P) channel activity was previously thought to be controlled primarily via a selectivity filter (SF) gate. However, recent crystal structures of TASK-1 and TASK-2 revealed a lower gate at the cytoplasmic ...
Iridoid esters from Valeriana pavonii Poepp. & Endl. as GABAA modulators: structural insights in their binding mode and structure-activity relationship
(2023)Context: Valeriana pavonii Poepp. & Endl. (Caprifoliaceae), is a plant used in traditional medicine as a tranquilizer in Colombia. Valerian extracts have been widely used since ancient times for their sedative and anxiolytic ...
Iris recognition based on displacementinformation using a sparse matching technique
(2019)Iris recognition is one of the most promising fields in biometrics. During the image acquisition, images are affected by surrounding parts of the eye such as eyelids or eyelashes. Besides, deformations of the iris image ...
Iron-induced pro-oxidant and pro-lipogenic responses in relation to impaired synthesis and accretion of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in rat hepatic and extrahepatic tissues
(2018)Objectives: Iron is involved in processes involving oxygen transfer and utilization. Excess iron is linked to cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer. Iron overload is associated with oxidative stress development, ...
Is a brief self-report version of the Columbia severity scale useful for screening suicidal ideation in Chilean adolescents?
(2019)Background: Given the high rates of suicide in the adolescent population and the reluctance of this population to seek help, developing proactive and effective strategies to timely detect individuals at high risk for suicide ...
Is it acceptable for a psychologist to break a young client’s confidentiality? Comparing Latin American (Chilean) and Western European (French) viewpoints
(2015)En el presente estudio, fueron examinadas y comparadas las perspectivas de adultos chilenos y franceses respecto a la ruptura de la confidencialidad, frente al tema del consumo de drogas ilícitas. A 12 psicólogos chilenos, ...
Is ozone pre-conditioning effect linked to Nrf2/EpRE activation pathway in vivo? A preliminary result
(2014)The present preliminary study has been focused on verifying whether ozone preconditioning may be linked to Nrf2/EpRE (nuclear factor erythroid 2/electrophile-responsive element) activation pathway in vivo. Healthy volunteers ...