Browsing Artículos Científicos by Title
Now showing items 1675-1694 of 3515
H2 control and filtering of discrete-time lpv systems exploring statistical information of the time-varying parameters
(2020)This paper introduces a new strategy to improve performance in gain-scheduled control and filtering for LPV systems exploiting statistical information about the time-varying parameters whenever available. The novelty of ...
H2 gain-scheduled design subject to inexact measurements: performance comparison of two models for additive uncertainty
(2019)This paper investigates the problem of H2 gain-scheduled design (control and filtering) for LPV systems where the scheduling parameters are affected by additive noises. The purpose is to analyze the impact on the H2 ...
Habilidades profesionales asociadas a la docencia. Fijando posiciones de profesores en formación
(2018)La investigación tiene por novedad aproximarse a la profesionalidad que se construye en el interior de la personalidad del profesor en formación, utilizando la metáfora de la “posición” para hacer visibles y poner en tela ...
Habilidades y procesos de investigación científica en textos escolares de ciencias naturales de 7° y 8° año
(2023)Para la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales en el nivel básico de Chile, se dispone de 2 textos escolares ofrecidos por la autoridad y política educacional para 7° y 8° año, los cuales son analizados en esta investigación. ...
Hablar sobre el silencio: una aproximación a los límites de la significatividad
(2024)El silencio no es un fenómeno que podamos colocar fuera del lenguaje o sistema de significación. A diferencia del mutismo que es solo una negación del ruido, este trabajo explora una interpretación del silencio como frontera ...
Hairy black holes in disformal scalar-tensor gravity theories
(2021)We show that the no-hair theorem for scalar-tensor theories with bimetric structure can be evaded. We find that hairy black hole solutions in the presence of an electric charge admit anti-de Sitter (AdS), flat or de Sitter ...
Hand grip strength and maximum peak expiratory flow: determinants of bone mineral density of adolescent students
(2018)Background: Maintaining and building healthy bones during the lifetime requires a complicated interaction between a number of physiological and lifestyle factors. Our goal of this study was to analyze the association between ...
Harvest labor quality and productivity: Case study of cherry growing in Chile
(2015)In Chile, the cherry tree has been one of the fastest growing and most profitable crops in the last ten years. However, increasing production costs, the scarcity of hired labor, and unfavorable exchange rates have reduced ...
¿Hay que formar a los docentes en políticas educativas?
(2018)Esta investigación da cuenta de la formación inicial docente en política educativa por medio de la construcción de cinco estudios de casos situados en la región del Biobío, Chile. Tres de ellos con actores de la formación ...
Hábitos de actividad física asociados a variables de salud en escolares chilenos varones
(2024)Introducción: La inactividad física es un factor que contribuye al aumento del riesgo cardiometabólico, como el sobrepeso y la obesidad en escolares. Objetivo: Asociar los hábitos de actividad física con variables ...
Health effects of pesticide exposure in latin american and the caribbean populations: a scoping review
(2022)Background: Multiple epidemiological studies have shown that exposure to pesticides is associated with adverse health outcomes. However, the literature on pesticide-related health effects in the Latin American and the ...
Health-related physical fitness and biochemical parameters in overweight older people during social isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal and observational study
(2024)With COVID-19, evidence indicates that the elderly will have worse biochemical markers related to health in social isolation. The objective was to analyze the impacts on physical fitness and biochemical parameters of older ...
Healthy eating recommendations: Good for reducing dietary contribution to the body’s advanced glycation/lipoxidation end products pool?
(2021)The present review aims to give dietary recommendations to reduce the occurrence of the Maillard reaction in foods and in vivo to reduce the body’s advanced glycation/lipoxidation end products (AGE/ALE) pool. A healthy ...
Healthy lifestyle habits in latin american university students during COVID-19 pandemic: a multi-center study
(2023)Background: Deterioration in the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and healthy eating behavior due to the effect of COVID-19 lockdown has been reported. The aim of this study was to associate eating habits and HRQoL ...
Healthy lifestyle related to executive functions in chilean university students: a pilot study
(2024)Background: A negative lifestyle is reported to be related to cognitive problems. However, there is little information about this in relation to university students. The objective of the present study was to investigate ...
Heap-based Algorithms to Accelerate Fingerprint Matching on Parallel Platforms
(2019)Nowadays, fingerprint is the most used biometric trait for individuals identification. In this area, the state-of-the-art algorithms are very accurate, but when the database contains millions of identities, an acceleration ...
Heart rate from progressive volitional cycling test is associated with endothelial dysfunction outcomes in hypertensive chilean adults
(2023)Background: A progressive volitional cycling test is useful in determining exercise prescription in populations with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. However, little is known about the association between heart rate ...
Heart rate variability in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy—A systematic literature review
(2020)Cardiac autonomic dysfunction has been reported in patients with cerebral palsy (CP). The aim of this study was to assess the existing literature on heart rate variability (HRV) in pediatric patients with CP and a special ...
Heart rate variability in individuals with down syndrome: a scoping review with methodological considerations
(2023)Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) present similar heart rate variability (HRV) parameters at rest but different responses to selected movement maneuvers in comparison to individuals without DS, which indicates reduced ...
Heidegger y la biología: Mecanismo y vitalismo en los conceptos fundamentales de la metafísica. Mundo, finitud y soledad (1929/30) de Martin Heidegger
(2015)El presente artículo busca reconstruir la discusión entre mecanicismo y vitalismo en la que se inserta Heidegger, a partir de algunas de las referencias explícitas que él hace sobre Wilhelm Roux y Hans Driesch en la lección ...