Browsing Artículos Científicos by Title
Now showing items 2211-2230 of 3515
Nanodecoration of single crystals of 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-25,27- bis(cyanomethoxy)-26,28-dihydroxycalix[4]arene
(2017)Single crystals of 1,3-bis(cyanomethoxy)calix[4]arene (1) were grown from Chloroform/Methanol mixture and these were nanodecorated with colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNps). The single crystals were then characterized by ...
Nanoindentation of CuZr metallic glasses subjected to thermal–pressure treatments
(2024)In this work, nanoindentation tests were performed on CuZr MGs subjected to thermal–pressure treatments using molecular dynamics simulations, with pressures in the range of 0 to 20 GPa. No significant variations in the ...
Nanoparticles as potential novel therapies for urinary tract infections
(2021)Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common reasons for antibiotic treatment. Nevertheless, uropathogens are steadily becoming resistant to currently available therapies. In this context, nanotechnology emerges ...
Nanoporous amorphous carbon with exceptional ultra-high strength
(2023)Nanoporous materials show a promising combination of mechanical properties in terms of their relative density; while there are numerous studies based on metallic nanoporous materials, here we focus on amorphous carbon with ...
Native bee fauna of tomato crops: a comparison of active sampling and pan trapping methods
(2019)The tomato is widely cultivated throughout the world and requires pollination by wild or managed bees to realize its full-potential fruit production. Two different sampling methods (pan trapping and active sampling) were ...
Native bees with floral sonication behaviour can achieve high-performance pollination of highbush blueberry in Chile
(2023)Blueberry is one of the most relevant buzz-pollinated crops worldwide and Chile is the most important global producer of fresh blueberries during wintertime in the Northern Hemisphere. Thousands of exotic Bombus terrestris ...
Nature is nonbinary: Gender and sexuality in biology education in chile
(2023)This article brings together four educators to collaboratively discuss how nonbinary representations and narratives circulate through education, especially in biology education in the context of Chile. This discussion is ...
Nature of host–guest interaction of cyclic alcohols in β-cyclodextrin: a molecular view of its structural features
(2024)Host- guest complexes are commonly found in several disciplines such as biochemistry, cosmetics, food, pharmaceuticals, and the environment. Studying the relationships between host and guest is essential in this context ...
Near critical and supercritical fluid extraction of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions using a hollow fiber contactor
(2013)The aim of this work is the experimental and theoretical characterization of the mass transfer in a membrane-based dense gas extraction of metal ions from aqueous solutions using a hollow fiber contactor. Extractions of ...
Necesidad a posteriori, trivialización y sobregeneralización
(2019)El presente escrito discute la plausibilidad de la admisión de términos generales rígidos no naturales. Enunciados de identidad teórica que incluyen términos generales rígidos no naturales no expresan necesidad a posteriori: ...
La necesidad de una doctrina sobrenatural en Duns Scoto como reacción contra el aristotelismo
(2016)Este artículo pretende indicar, mediante un examen de la cuestión sobre la necesidad de la Revelación, en qué sentido se debe entender la posición de Duns Scoto en relación con la validez de la doctrina revelada ante la ...
Necesidades educativas especiales y educación física: Las actividades en la naturaleza como instrumento socializador
(2015)El escrito que se presenta a continuación es el resultado de un trabajo indagativo relacionado con las actividades en contacto con la naturaleza (ACN) y personas con necesidades educativas especiales (NEE). El objetivo de ...
Necesidades Educativas Especiales y Educación Física: un análisis desde la propuesta curricular ministerial de Chile
(2021)El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las Bases Curriculares (BC) de la asignatura de Educación Física y Salud (EFS) en relación con la atención de estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE). Se utilizó una ...
Nectar secretion of floral buds of tococa guianensis mediates interactions with generalist ants that reduce florivory
(2020)The specialised mutualism between Tococa guianensis and ants housed in its leaf domatia is a well-known example of myrmecophily. A pollination study on this species revealed that flowers in the bud stage exude a sugary ...
Negación y existencia: el problema de los nombres vacíos
(2022)En este escrito se discutirá si tienen significado las oraciones que contienen nombres vacíos y si hay proposiciones verdaderas que contienen nombres vacíos. La respuesta a ambas preguntas parece ser positiva, cuyos casos ...
Negatividad, alteridad e imagen. Una lectura de la concepción cusana del autoconocimiento
(2019)El propósito de este artículo es mostrar en qué sentido se articulan negatividad de Dios, alteridad e imagen en el autoconocimiento conjetural en el pensamiento de Nicolás de Cusa. Se expone la función fundacional de la ...
Negotiating the tall poppy syndrome in New Zealand workplaces: Women leaders managing the challenge
(2017)The ‘tall poppy syndrome’ (TPS) is one example of a societal constraint whose function in Australasia is to enforce society-wide ideologies such as egalitarianism and the gender order. The TPS acts as an enforcement mechanism ...
Neighborhood vulnerability and disability in first episode of psychosis: a multilevel study
(2023)Objective: Neighborhood socioeconomic status seems to be related to functioning in patients with first episode of psychosis (FEP). The present study aimed to assess if neighborhood vulnerability and risk of social exclusion ...
Neoliberal state policies in the professional biographies of veteran teachers
(2024)Este artículo analiza las biografías profesionales de docentes veteranos y cómo las transformaciones del sistema educativo y de la labor docente configuran su identidad profesional. Se realizó un ciclo de entrevistas ...