Browsing Artículos Científicos by Title
Now showing items 2298-2317 of 3515
O autoconceito é um atributo interveniente no estilo de liderança de treinadores de futsal de alto rendimento?
(2019)En el escenario deportivo, el autoconcepto ha sido señalado como un atributo psicológico fundamental para el desempeño de entrenadores y atletas, incidiendo sobre el control de las emociones y las expectativas de éxito o ...
O processo de identização docente em um curso de educação física na perspectiva de seus discentes
(2019)Este artigo traz apontamentos sobre o processo de identização docente de um curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física de uma Universidade Pública do estado do Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil na percepção dos seus discentes. ...
O-Alkyl derivatives of ferulic and syringic acid as lipophilic antioxidants: effect of the length of the alkyl chain on the improvement of the thermo-oxidative stability of sunflower oil
(2024)Lipid oxidation is the major cause of the deterioration of fat-containing foods, especially those containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Antioxidant additives of synthetic origin are added to matrices rich in ...
O2 Saturation predicted the ICU stay of COVID-19 patients in a hospital at altitude: a low-cost tool for post-pandemic
(2024)Background and Objectives: Patients at high altitudes with COVID-19 may experience a decrease in their partial oxygen saturation (PO2S) levels. The objective was to assess the association between PO2S and intensive care ...
Obesidad en lactantes: efecto protector de la lactancia materna versus fórmulas lácteas
(2020)El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar el posible efecto protector de la lactancia materna respecto a la obesidad infantil versus fórmulas lácteas. Se consultaron las bases de datos PubMed, Web of Science y Scielo, considerándose ...
Obesity as a risk factor for complications and mortality in individuals with SARS-CoV-2: A systematic review
(2024)This systematic review aimed to analyze the available studies that identified overweight and/or obesity as a risk factor for mortality, use of respiratory support, and changes in biochemical markers in adults hospitalized ...
Objetos matemáticos ligados a la estadística y la probabilidad en educación infantil: un análisis desde los libros de texto
(2020)En este artículo se analiza cómo son abordados los contenidos de estadística y probabilidad en los libros de texto de Educación Infantil en Chile. Para ello, utilizamos herramientas teóricas del Enfoque Ontosemiótico del ...
Observations on the biology and distribution of Uresiphita reversalis (Lepidoptera, Crambidae), a defoliator of the native tree Calia secundiflora in México
(2014)Observations on the biology and distribution of Uresiphita reversalis (Lepidoptera, Crambidae), a defoliator of the native tree Calia secundiflora in México. Uresiphita reversalis (Guenée, 1854) feeding on Calia secundiflora ...
Observations on the emergence rates of Meteorus pulchricornis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and densities of Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) larvae
(2011)Uresiphita polygonalis maorialis (the kowhai moth) is a well-known defoliator of Sophora spp. plants in New Zealand. Here data is presented from an experiment carried out between December 2007 and February 2008. The ...
Obstacles to a favorable attitude towards reflective practices in preservice teachers in training
(2024)Reflective practices have been recognized as a predictor of professional development because they favor teaching changes that improve the students’ learning. The expressions reflection, practice, and reflective professionals ...
Obtención y caracterización de carbones activados preparados a partir de cenizas volantes de una planta de cogeneración en Constitución, Chile
(2013)El alto costo de la producción de carbones activados (CA) ha llevado a la búsqueda de nuevas materias primas de bajo costo y alta disponibilidad, en donde las cenizas volantes (CV) surgen como una alternativa a ser ...
Occupational exposure to pesticides and health symptoms among family farmers in Brazil
(2020)OBJECTIVE: To explore the association of occupational pesticide exposure with acute and mental health symptoms. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey carried out with 78 Brazilian family farmers, who were pesticide applicators ...
Occupational exposure to pesticides and symptoms of depression in agricultural workers. a systematic review.
(2023)Background The use of pesticides can result in harm to both the environment and human health. There is a growing concern in the field of occupational health about the impact on the mental health of agricultural ...
Ocio, placer y (auto)movilidad en la construcción simbólica de los “alrededores de Santiago"
(2016)Partiendo del entendido de que la vida urbana puede extenderse a los territorios extraurbanos antes de que estos sean construidos e incorporados a la trama, se estudiarán los paseos de ocio a las afueras de Santiago, que ...
OFDM tolerance to additive white Gaussian and laser phase noises in optical heterodyning systems accompanied by the feasible pilot-assisted equalization
(2020)It is well known that the performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is limited by phase noise, which depends on the laser linewidths for coherent-detection radio over fiber (RoF) systems. In this ...
Off-line writer verification based on simple graphemes
(2018)A method to writer verification based on handwritten stroke analysis is presented. The proposed descriptors correspond to an estimation of the pressure applied when writing using the grayscale image of the stroke. These ...
Off-line writer verification based on small segments of handwritten text and convolutional neural networks
(2022)This paper proposes a new method for writer identification based on small fragments of handwritten text randomly obtained from a paragraph. The main contribution of this work is to show that small fragments carry enough ...