Browsing Artículos Científicos by Title
Now showing items 2649-2668 of 3515
Quadriceps muscle reaction time in obese children
(2024)This study aimed to determine the influence of obesity, according to body mass index (BMI) and fat mass percentage, on quadriceps muscle reaction times. The study utilized a cross-sectional design. The sample size consisted ...
Quality in use of an android-based mobile application for calculation of bone mineral density with the standard ISO/IEC 25022
(2020)One of the most critical bone diseases is osteoporosis, which can be evaluated through measurements of bone mineral density. Though there is a lot of commercialized portable about health in general, few are oriented towards ...
“Quando nasce um monstro?” possibilidade do uso de uma história infantil para o ensino de probabilidade
(2021)As part of the project Creation of children's literature stories for the teaching of mathematics that, in addition to creation, analyseschildren's works already published, to identify potentialities of their ...
Quantification of the differences introduced by nuclear fuel cycle simulators in advanced scenario studies
(2020)Uncertainty propagation and quantification, when applied to the field of nuclear fuel cycle scenario studies, usually only considers a set of easily quantifiable input parameters, leaving out the effects of the modelling ...
Quantifying elevational effect on the geometric body shape of Russian beetle Carabus exaratus (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
(2023)The study of phenotypic changes in organisms at different organizational levels (population, community, and ecosystem) in combination with genetic and genomic tools have helped researchers to understand how microevolutionary ...
Quantifying humeral retrotorsion in young swimmers and association with swim volume
(2018)Objectives: To compare the humeral retrotorsion (HRT) among non-athletes, amateur swimmers and competitive swimmers and to analyze the relationship between HRT and swim volume in competitive swimmers. Design: Cross-sect ...
Quantifying the geometric shell shape between populations of true limpets lottia mesoleuca (mollusca: lottidae) in Colombia
(2020)The increasing activity in morphological studies has provided new tools to analyses the shape quantitatively, these quantitative measurements allow the researcher to examine the variation in shape and perform analysis to ...
Quantitative SYBR Green qPCR technique for the detection of the nematode parasite Anisakis in commercial fish-derived food
(2017)The extensive presence of anisakids in fish for human consumption has become a problem of food safety and quality. The aim of this study was to develop and assess the performance of a quantitative SYBR Green qPCR assay for ...
Quasinormal modes, greybody factors, and thermodynamics of four dimensional AdS black holes in critical gravity
(2024)In the present work, considering critical gravity as a gravity model, an electrically charged topological anti–de Sitter black hole with a matter source characterized by a nonlinear electrodynamics framework is obtained. ...
¿Qué es el síndrome post-COVID-19? definición y actualización
(2022)Este trabajo aborda el origen y el desarrollo del síndrome pos-COVID-19, el cual consiste en la persistencia a través del tiempo de diferentes síntomas como consecuencia de la infección por SARS-CoV-2. A partir de una ...
¿Qué es la hermenéutica? Aproximación conceptual desde Hans-Georrg Gadamer
(2010)Este artículo presenta las ideas generales de la hermenéutica de HansGeorg Gadamer, quien, tras la huella de su maestro Heidegger, considera a la hermenéutica como el modo fundamental del Dasein, es decir, como aquella ...
“Quilt”, aesthetic experience and autobiographical narrative: future teachers and the art of listening
(2021)Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el dispositivo formativo y investigativo llamado “Colcha de Retazos”, una metodología y epistemología desarrollada por Berkenbrock-Rosito, desde 2001. En este estudio, el dispositivo ...
Racionalidad, como punto focal de las decisiones estratégicas: Un acercamiento teórico conceptual
(2018)Este artículo expone la racionalidad como foco de las decisiones estratégicas, desde sus raíces filosóficas y sociológicas, así como el acercamiento a la realidad por medio de las limitaciones a las que se ven expuestos ...
Racionalidades sobre formación ciudadana en la formación inicial docente: estudio de caso en una universidad de la región del Maule, Chile
(2020)Esta investigación tiene el propósito de examinar las racionalidades subyacentes en el discurso de formación ciudadana en estudiantes de pedagogía. Para lograrlo se llevó a cabo un análisis documental y un análisis ...
Racionalismo modal, naturalismo y escepticismo empirista
(2020)Recientemente Machery (2017) ha desarrollado una crítica a la práctica filosófica fundada en casos hipotéticos, el denominado método de casos (method of cases). Una vía para cuestionar esta práctica y el rol de las intuiciones ...
Rama muscular hipertrófica de la arteria recurrente radial (Cuerda de Henry) en relación con el ramo profundo del nervio radial. Reporte de caso
(2020)La arteria recurrente radial nace en el extremo proximal de la arteria radial y desde ahí asciende oblicuamente para anastomosarse con la arteria colateral radial, entregando en ese trayecto una serie de ramas para los ...
Raman characterization of CuCr2-xSnx S4 spinels
(2019)Polycrystalline thiospinels CuCr2-xSnxS4 (x = 0.4, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.4) were synthesized via conventional solid-state reaction. The samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray analysis ...