Browsing Artículos Científicos by Title
Now showing items 2352-2371 of 3515
Pablo Neruda and Juan Marín’s diplomatic trip: some prose works on India
(2022)This paper analyses the representations of Indian culture in Pablo Neruda’s Confieso que he vivido (1974), and Juan Marín’s La India eterna (1956), both based on the Chilean intellectuals’ diplomatic trips to this country; ...
Pain neuroscience education for patients with chronic pain: A scoping review from teaching–learning strategies, educational level, and cultural perspective
(2024)Objective (1) To identify the characteristics of PNE programs in terms of teaching-learning strategies, session modality, content delivery format, number of sessions, total minutes and instructional support material used ...
Palatability and feeding preferences of Uresiphita maorialis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) for three Sophora species
(2015)In a three-hour bioassay, we tested the palatability and feeding preferences of Uresiphita maorialis (kōwhai moth) for Sophora tetraptera, Sophora microphylla and Sophora prostrata. Palatability tests showed no differences ...
Palm vein image quality assessment through natural scene and texture statistics
(2023)Palm vein biometrics has emerged as a highly secure and contactless biometric technology. However, various factors reduce the image quality during the acquisition process, limiting the biometric recognition performance, ...
Palm vein modeling for generating synthetic images with biometric purposes: a geometrical approach
(2024)Palm vein-based biometric highlights its contactless acquisition, high precision, and user acceptance. However, the lack of publicly available databases with a large number of individuals challenges the continuous growth ...
Pandemic grief in El Salvador: factors that predict dysfunctional grief due to a COVID-19 death among salvadoran adults
(2023)Thousands of people have died of COVID-19 in El Salvador. However, little is known about the mental health of those who are mourning the loss of a loved one to COVID-19. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine ...
Panorama de la economía social en Chile: La brecha entre definiciones formales y sustantivas
(2019)El presente artículo busca dimensionar y caracterizar el sector de la economía social en Chile al año 2015, adaptando la tipología propuesta por EESC/CIRIEC para Europa. A partir de la sistematización de datos cuantitativos ...
Para una historia del viaje metropolitano
(2012)Tradicionalmente los historiadores han estudiado el movimiento de personas, bienes, servicio e información en la ciudad desde una perspectiva utilitaria y parcelada. Se han privilegiado enfoques por tipo transporte ...
La paradoja de los sistemas de participación ciudadana y el despertar de las insurgencias en Chile
(2021)En 2019 la sociedad chilena atravesó una de las mayo-res crisis sociales y políticas de que se tenga memoria, lo que puso en evidencia los altos niveles de desigual-dad social y territorial y propició un proceso de profundos ...
Paradojas de la evaluación en el contexto de los modelos basados en competencias. La voz de los estudiantes
(2021)Este artículo problematiza las principales paradojas que enfrenta la evaluación del aprendizaje en relación a los modelos basados en competencia en el contexto universitario. Mediante una aproximación cualitativa se ...
Parallel ensemble of a randomization-based online sequential neural network for classification problems using a frequency criterion
(2024)Randomization-based neural networks have gained wide acceptance in the scientific community owing to the simplicity of their algorithm and generalization capabilities. Random vector functional link (RVFL) networks and their ...
Parallel methods for linear systems solution in extreme learning machines: an overview
(2020)This paper aims to present an updated review of parallel algorithms for solving square and rectangular single and double precision matrix linear systems using multi-core central processing units and graphic processing ...
Parallel training of a set of online sequential extreme learning machines
(2022)Size databases have constantly increased from advances in technology and the Internet, so processing this vast amount of information has been a great challenge. The neural network Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) have been ...
Parameterization of the satellite-based model (METRIC) for the estimation of instantaneous surface energy balance components over a drip-irrigated vineyard
(2014)A study was carried out to parameterize the METRIC (Mapping EvapoTranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration) model for estimating instantaneous values of albedo (shortwave albedo) (αi), net radiation ...
Parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera) and biological control in Chile: Applications and potentials
(2023)Global biodiversity decline and pollution, along with climate change, directly threaten food security and sovereignty. Unsustainable practices in industrial agriculture, including the introduction of non-native insects ...
Partial least squares models and their formulations, diagnostics and applications to spectroscopy
(2020)Partial least squares (PLS) models are a multivariate technique developed to solve the problem of multicollinearity and/or high dimensionality related to explanatory variables in multiple linear models. PLS models have ...
Partial least squares models and their formulations, diagnostics and applications to spectroscopy
(2020)Partial least squares (PLS) models are a multivariate technique developed to solve the problem of multicollinearity and/or high dimensionality related to explanatory variables in multiple linear models. PLS models have ...
Participación ciudadana en la elaboración de las políticas públicas de actividad física y deporte: el caso de Chile
(2020)El objetivo del trabajo es presentar los procesos de participación ciudadana que el Estado chileno ha implementado para elaborar la reciente política pública nacional de actividad física (AF) y deporte, considerando el ...
La participación como técnica de gobierno bajo el nuevo sistema de educación pública en Chile
(2022)Desde hace 40años el sistema educativo chileno ha sido sometido a la gestión privada de los servicios públicos, conocida como Nueva Gestión Pública (NGP). Esta promueve la competencia, la rendición de cuentas de altas ...